Celluence® Gift Card
Celluence® Gift Card
Buy a Celluence® Gift Card and offer a present of luxury and quality to a loved one
For full information on the Celluence® Legs creams
visit lipotherapeia.com/skincare
Buy a Celluence® Gift Card and offer a present of luxury and quality to a loved one
For full information on the Celluence® Legs creams
visit lipotherapeia.com/skincare
Energy in every single cell of the human body is produced in specialised cell compartments called mitochondria. Mitochondria is where oxygen is utilised to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. If mitochondria malfunction then the whole cell malfunctions and underperforms. On the skin, this can lead to aesthetic problems (dull, irritated, inflamed or unhealthy skin). In other organs and tissues this can lead to a poorer state of health, lower energy levels, slower recovery from injuries etc…
Instant miracles and “amazing cellulite transformations” do not exist, no matter how expensive the treatment - don’t be naive
There is a lot of misinformation on cellulite, due to a mix of urban myth and marketing hype. And there are many things that you should not waste time doing when it comes to cellulite removal. In fact it is not a coincidence that we devote as many articles on what not works for cellulite on our “How to get rid of cellulite” guide, as we do on cellulite myths…
What really works and what is a gimmick | 2025 update
At LipoTherapeia we preach what we practise. Our 100% focus is how to offer you the safest and most effective treatment possible, without cut corners or compromises. I put myself in your shoes and personally preach on this website and practise at the clinic what I would do myself if I needed skin tightening and cellulite reduction. Here is some more context into the technologies and active ingredients we use…
Which is better for body skin tightening and cellulite: laser or radio frequency? Absolutely NOT laser. Laser is way too superficial and also pointless for skin tightening or cellulite. There are two types of lasers: strong, ablative, lasers aim to burn the surface of the skin to stimulate new epidermal growth. Cellulite, however, is found at the deepest layer of the skin (hypodermis), not the most superficial (epidermis), so ablative lasers do not work for cellulite at all…
The ultimate cellulite removal guide | 2025 Edition
This is our extensive how-to guide for firmer, smoother, slimmer legs, brought to you by LipoTherapeia, London’s only aesthetic practice dedicated only to cellulite reduction and skin tightening. This 111-tip list and linked articles are the outcome of 24+ years of theoretical research and practical experience in cellulite and skin tightening, with literally thousands of people and 23,000+ treatments. Honest, no-nonsense, science-based and actionable information, tried and tested again and again over more than two decades.
A list of the most effective cellulite treatments - in real life, not in the virtual reality of social media
As most women know by experience, most cellulite treatments simply do not work. And when we say they don't work, we mean that they either do not work at all or that they offer so poor results that you would need 20, 30 or 50 sessions to be happy with the results. Here we will review the best treatments, according to effectiveness (more effective treatments are presented first, ineffective treatments are presented last)…
The LipoTherapeia® Plus treatment, a combination of deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency, deep acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation and high-power LED phototherapy, is arguably the strongest SAFE skin tightening/lifting, natural anti-ageing and cellulite treatment in London
The treatment is provided with advanced protocols based on the Physics of radiofrequency, ultrasound and phototherapy and on the anatomy and physiology of cellulite and skin laxity
The LipoTherapeia® Plus treatments are exclusively provided at our practice in central London (The Light Centre Marylebone, 10 Portman Square, London W1H 6AZ)
This website is human-written 100%. We do not use Chat-GPT or any other AI tool for our pages and articles to bombard you with low quality, copy-paste spam articles and inaccurate information.
Chat-GPT and similar tools copy the web to regurgitate meaningless lowest common denominator platitudes, i.e. generally accepted myths that often have nothing to do with reality. Plus plenty of inaccuracies, misinformation and a healthy added dose of literally made up stuff - what AI experts call “AI hallucinations”.
No AI tool has the depth of experience accumulated over tens of thousands of sessions with real human beings (in fact, AI tools have zero experience, obviously). Neither can an AI tool discriminate what is reality and what is made up BS on the web.
Of course, the aesthetics industry is already full of myths, inaccuracies, platitudes and hallucinations anyway, so the advent of AI does not make much of a difference. The beauty industry has always been full of BS (sorry, that’s the correct word), AI or no AI.
So 24+ years on, we still keep it real, regardless of AI.
Copyright: All text and before & after pictures: © 2003-2025, LipoTherapeia Ltd. All rights reserved. No reproduction without written permission (plagiarising web pages will be reported to search engines for removal from their index).
Trademarks: Meso-CRF®, LipoTherapeia®, and Celluence® are registered trademarks in the UK & EU and belong to LipoTherapeia Ltd. All rights to the usage of those trademarks and copyrights are strictly reserved and are only allowed with prior written approval. The term LipoTherapeia® Plus is used by us to refer to our skin tightening / cellulite / anti-ageing treatments based on ultrasound, radiofrequency and phototherapy.
Efficacy: As with any medical / aesthetic treatment or skin product, results vary from person to person depending on lifestyle, genetics, state of health (how each individual body responds to treatment), so specific results cannot be guaranteed. BTW, there is NO cellulite removal or long-term skin tightening/lifting with one, two or even three sessions and there is neither 100% (nor permanent) cellulite removal/skin tightening/lifting, with ANY technique, including ours, so we never make such misleading claims.
Safety: Our treatments have proven 99%+ safe over the last 14+ years (with minor/temporary irritation occurring in the other 1%- of treatments). However, as with any medical/aesthetic treatment or skin product, sensitivity varies from person to person, and from time to time even on the same person, depending on lifestyle, genetics and state of health (how each individual body responds to a treatment at a specific time), so we cannot guarantee 100% safety.
Accuracy: The information presented on this website is based on our interpretation of peer-reviewed research and/or our extensive 24-year experience and study in our field of specialisation, but it cannot be guaranteed 100% accurate or impartial.
Prices and special offers: Subject to change without prior notice. Special offers can not be combined.
Non-medical: No information, treatment or product on this website aims to treat or diagnose any medical condition or to provide/replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor.
Not professional advice: No information on this website is intended as direct or indirect professional (or personal) advice
For information purposes only: All content on this website is strictly for information purposes only.