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Advanced cellulite treatments for the stomach/tummy in London

How to reduce cellulite on the tummy / stomach / belly area

Cellulite on stomach

Cellulite is a distinct layer of fat (hypodermal adipose tissue) that occurs in the deeper skin layer of most women - and some men - at some point after puberty.

This is distinguished from the:

  • Deeper, subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), which we call ‘fat’ and can be removed by liposuction

  • And very deep visceral adipose tissue (VAT), which is fat surrounding our organs and which cannot be removed even with liposuction - only diet and exercise works on that fat

Cellulite is responsible for the orange peel appearance of the skin while subcutaneous fat and visceral fat are responsible for the increase in volume of the stomach (what some people call beer belly or pot belly, when those two fat depots become too big).

The thighs and buttocks area is where cellulite is most prevalent in most women. However, many women do have cellulite on the stomach, quite often combined with skin laxity, and quite often more pronounced after pregnancy or extreme weight loss.

Stomach cellulite occurs due to the action of female hormones after puberty, which makes adipocytes (fat cells) in both the hypodermal adipose tissue and the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the stomach more receptive to accumulating fat and more resistant to releasing fat. In time, and with our unhealthy, Western lifestyle, these areas fill up with fat disproportionately to other body areas.

Sometimes more cellulite is found on the upper stomach/tummy area while in other cases the lower tummy/stomach area is more affected.

Both subcutaneous adipose tissue and hypodermal adipose tissue negatively affect skin firmness. This is because fat itself is a very soft tissue and also because fat tissue break down connective tissue around it in order to expand, leading to collagen breakdown and fascia and skin looseness.

Furthermore, it seems that overstretching during pregnancy or weight gain damages skin architecture in that area, allowing fat cells to infiltrate into the hypodermis layer of the skin and develop the appearance of cellulite on that area.

As a result, the belly/stomach area with either cellulite and/or deeper fat accumulation tends to also suffer from skin and overall laxity, leading to loose, sometimes droopy lower tummy skin and overall excessive skin softness, making the appearance of the area worse.

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What causes cellulite on stomach?

Skin looseness and cellulite is more common in larger-sized / curvy women (and some men), but it also occurs more frequently than most people think in slim women (and some men) too.

The main causes of this increased hypodermal fat accumulation on the stomach (or anywhere in the body, indeed) are:

  • Excess consumption of sugar, carbs, fried food (of any kind), hydrogenated/trans fats, alcohol, seed oils

  • Pregnancy

  • Sedentary lifestyle, including lack of exercise

  • Extreme weight loss

  • Fat removal surgery, which always leaves skin loose and with more visible cellulite: liposuction, vaser or smart lipo (laser lipo)

  • The action of female hormones after puberty: this is why fat accumulates both at the hypodermal level (cellulite) and subcutaneous level (fat) of the thighs and buttocks - but very often too on the arms and stomach

  • Constant fasting, dieting or yo-yo dieting that replaces firmness with fat

  • Hormonal changes, hormonal contraception, menopause or HRT

  • Lack of protein and polyphenols in the diet, which are essential for skin firmness and to fat accumulation inhibition

  • Smoking/vaping, especially in genetically susceptible individuals

  • Cellulite surgery (subcision, cellfina or cellulaze), which often fails to reduce cellulite and/or causes skin laxity

  • Endocrine disruptors, such as microplastics and forever chemicals

  • Years of long hours of office work

  • Genetic reasons

  • The normal ageing process

All the above leave skin and deep connective tissues on the stomach/belly with cellulite and/or skin laxity - even in slim women.

Liposuction is not an option for cellulite, as it acts on the deeper subcutaneous adipose tissue, while cellulite is the more superficial, hypodermal adipose tissue - two totally different tissues (if a surgeon promises you that liposuction will get rid of your cellulite, they are simply lying).

Lifestyle change, i.e. healthy nutrition, exercise, healthy living overall, cessation of hormonal contraception (always with doctor’s permission), avoiding endocrine disruptors etc, as per the list above, will indeed reduce cellulite, but in most cases not fast enough.

So there is a real need for a good cellulite reduction treatment on the tummy/stomach area (that is, If you care about cellulite and skin laxity, of course. Not everyone cares about smooth or firm body and that is absolutely fine.)

⏵ Book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our central London clinic

What is the best cellulite treatment for cellulite on the stomach?

Healthy nutrition, lots of exercise and an overall wholesome lifestyle (avoidance of toxins such as cigarette smoke/vaping, hormonal contraception, microplastics, forever chemicals, alcohol etc) are the bases of every cellulite reduction and prevention treatment.

However, as every woman knows, these are quite often not enough to reduce cellulite considerably or quickly enough.

So a lot of women look for cellulite surgery. However, we do not offer or recommend cellulite surgery which, as mentioned above, due to low effectiveness and high chance of adverse reactions, causes more problems that it solves, such as fibrosis, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scars, hard bumps etc - and does not really reduce cellulite in most cases.

For more details on the adverse reactions of cellulite surgery, check our dedicated article.

There are also many non-surgical treatments marketed for cellulite reduction, the vast majority of which either don’t work or have a high rate of adverse reactions - or both.

Some people get fooled by deceptive marketing and opt for HIFU or RF microneedling, which, although non-surgical, can also result in the same adverse reactions as surgery, such as fibrosis, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scars and hard lumps, and do not really reduce cellulite in most cases, either. For more details and links to examples of adverse reactions from RF microneedling or high-power HIFU, check our dedicated articles by clicking on the links.

We see dozens of people every year who have been burned - literally and metaphorically - by such surgical or non-surgical procedures and we only work on such cases if the skin is not too damaged by those “treatments”.

On the other hand, the low-power HIFU, as well as the usual bipolar/tripolar radiofrequency, acoustic wave therapy, lymphatic massage, vacuum suction massage with mechanised rollers, that you see in salons and clinics up and down the country, are safe but achieve little.

After specialising for more than two decades in cellulite reduction and skin tightening (no laser hair removal, botox, fillers, fluffy facials, chemical peels and the like - just cellulite and skin tightening), we can confirm that currently the best SAFE and effective technologies to reduce cellulite are high-power, deep-acting radiofrequency and high-power, deep-acting ultrasound cavitation (unfortunately, superficial or low-power versions of these two technologies do not work).

These are the technologies we offer at our clinic and we combine them with high-power LED phototherapy. By acting on the cell mitochondria, high-power LED phototherapy maximises the effects of radiofrequency and ultrasound, for best results, naturally.

⏵ Book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our central London clinic

Advanced cellulite treatments in London for the stomach, by LipoTherapeia

LipoTherapeia® Plus, our bespoke combination of these three technologies, is exclusively provided without compromises or cut corners at our central London clinic.

A PAINLESS, realistically priced and effective technology, LipoTherapeia® Plus has a 99.5%+ safety rate at our clinic, as it is based on naturally stimulating collagen production, hypodermal fat release and circulation/lymphatic drainage - not on burning the skin inside, as some procedures mentioned above aim.

In addition to cellulite reduction, the technologies comprising LipoTherapeia® Plus also have a profound effect on skin tightness* as well as a beneficial effect on stretch marks. So you get a combined benefit by the use of these technologies.

(*In fact, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is the gold standard technology for SAFE and effective skin tightening.)

In most cases of cellulite / skin laxity we recommend 6-12 sessions for best results (there are no miracle treatments that reduce cellulite or tighten skin in 1-4 sessions).

⏵ Book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our central London clinic

The only aesthetic practice in London specialising 100% in skin tightening & cellulite removal

Most aesthetic clinics offer 20, 30, even 50 different treatments, from laser hair removal to fillers to chemical peels to cellulite, and thereby lose specialisation and expertise.

A jack of all trades therapist or clinic cannot possibly be experts in 20, 30 or 50 different treatments. It is physically impossible to follow the science and all the latest developments in 50, 30 or even 20 fields.

And it is impossible to be an expert in an aesthetic condition, if you never study and practise with focus and depth the science of that aesthetic condition.

So at LipoTherapeia we only focus 100% on cellulite reduction and skin tightening - nothing else.

We do not do botox, fillers, chemical peels, dermablading, microdermabrasion, waxing, nails, fluffy facials, laser hair removal and the like: just cellulite reduction and skin tightening with the best ultrasound, radiofrequency and LED phototherapy technologies in the world (no exaggeration). And we have a deep knowledge of these five subjects - for your benefit.

⏵ Book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our central London clinic

More than two decades of experience in cellulite reduction

At LipoTherapeia we make the most out of the best technologies in the world with our advanced protocols, developed over more than two decades and based on:

  • A deep knowledge of the Physics of radiofrequency, ultrasound and phototherapy and the anatomy of cellulite and connective tissue (as opposed to the usual one-day training provided by machine manufacturers)

  • Literally tens of thousands of sessions on thousands of clients with hundreds of kinds of body types, sensitivities and health/aesthetic issues

All with 99.5%+ safety and NO PAIN, NO DOWNTIME, no microneedling, no injections, no fillers, no unsafe “instant miracle treatments”, no numbing creams, no invasiveness, no surgery, no drama.

Just comfortable, safe and effective treatment that works by stimulating your skin to become smoother and firmer., naturally and safely.

⏵ Book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our central London clinic

Caring, honest, boutique treatment and advice with an expert - premium treatment without the premium prices

Treatment is always provided by a highly experienced therapist and is personalised, according to your specific needs, after an extensive assessment of your type of cellulite.

No treatment by machine operators trained for one day, no ever-changing therapists and receptionists, no armies of pushy salespeople, no hard sales and no premium prices.

Our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service, with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite or skin laxity, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

⏵ Book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our central London clinic