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Salt, potassium, water retention and cellulite

Sodium vs potassium and their effects on water retention and cellulite

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  • From table salt (sodium chloride), to water retention and cellulite

  • More water, less sodium and potassium to help counteract water retention and cellulite

  • How to achieve a better sodium / potassium balance to help prevent water retention / cellulite

  • Check our professional consultancy, for a masterclass in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

From table salt (sodium chloride), to water retention and cellulite

It is widely known that in the Western world, and with our industrialised food supply, we consume way too much salt (sodium chloride), and consequently too much sodium.

Our body removes excess water from the body by filtering blood through the kidneys. A high sodium intake causes the kidneys to remove less water, resulting in higher blood pressure in sensitive individuals and water retention on everyone.

As water retention is an important aspect of cellulite this means that a high salt intake can increase the appearance of cellulite.

Salt can be found in “pure” foods that you buy at the grocery store, like bread and cheese.

And of course it is found in all savoury processed/ready made foods - and even in sweet ones. Due to its ubiquity, it is no surprise that salt consumption in the Western world is extreme.

More water and less sodium and potassium to help counteract water retention and cellulite

Potassium and plain water counteract the effects of sodium on the kidneys, having a diuretic effect. Consuming more water and more potassium will mean lower sodium levels and less water retention.

Of course there must be a balance to be kept, as too little sodium / too much potassium can be dangerous for the health and even lethal.

So the general advice is drink more water (2-3 litres in women, 3-4 litres in men, NEVER more) and consume less sodium and more potassium.

How to achieve a better sodium / potassium balance to help prevent water retention / cellulite

  • Opt for low-sodium table salts that include 33-66% potassium instead of 100% sodium. Table salt brands such as LoSalt, Low Salt and Solo contain a varying mix of potassium and sodium. The taste is slightly different to that of normal sodium salt, but after a few days you get used to it, especially if used during cooking food, rather than added later. Personally, if I am to add a bit of extra salt on the food, I add coarse sodium salt for better taste, while I always cook with low salt.

  • NEVER consume 100% potassium, as that can be dangerous for your heart. The natural mixing of 33-66% potassium in the salts mentioned above is balanced and absolutely fine for most people. However, if you have a medical condition or if in doubt, ask your doctor before consuming low sodium salt.

  • Fruits, especially bananas and watermelons, are very rich in potassium and are the best source of this mineral. Eating lots of fruit, especially berry fruits, is great for overall health and for cellulite / water retention prevention, also due to the polyphenols contained in them.

  • Vegetables generally contain sodium, but in small amounts, so you obviously don’t need to cut down on vegetables

  • And as mentioned above, drink more water. But never drink the dangerously high amounts suggested by some crazy diets, such as 7-10 litres a day. That can prove lethal, literally. People have died from hyponatremia (low blood sodium). Keeping sodium low is important, but some sodium is also essential for our health.

Check our professional consultancy, for a masterclass in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening? Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one training and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible. Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.