We can divide the different compression garments on the market in two categories: uniform pressure (simple compression) garments and graduated pressure garments. Below we are analysing the two types of compression garments and their effectiveness in reducing cellulite and water retention and their effect on firmness…
Edematous cellulite / water retention on thighs, legs and buttocks: 16 lifestyle causes and 42 tips to reduce it
A lot of our clients ask us: What causes water/fluid retention on thighs, buttocks, lower legs or even the stomach? Can/does water retention cause cellulite? Does water retention make cellulite worse? Water retention (also referred to as fluid retention, puffiness, swelling, oedema etc.) affects a large number of women and, to a lesser extent, men. Water retention occurs when the veins and lymph vessels can not remove water from the tissues efficiently. Water retention can manifest occasionally (e.g. in the summer heat and/or if standing for long periods of time) or it may be chronic. Symptoms can range from mild (e.g. cellulite or puffiness typically appearing on the calves, thighs, hips, arms and face) to severe (medical water retention / lymphedema). Water retention can have many causes, both genetic and lifestyle-based. Check our comprehensive guide on the causes of fluid retention…
How to tighten skin on legs and get rid of cellulite in your 50s and 60s
Cellulite can only be eliminated when it is at Stage 1 (visible only when pinched) or at most a very recent Stage 2 (visible when standing). By the time cellulite establishes itself to Stage 2 for a few years, it is not possible to completely eliminate it. Some women develop cellulite in the teens, most in their 20s, 30s and 40s and almost none develops cellulite in their 50s or 60s in the Western world…
RF / cavitation: gel, cream, serum or oil? When to use each conductive medium.
“Radiofrequency” is an all encompassing term for treatment with different types of high frequency electrical currents. Different machines utilise different frequencies, from an extra low of 300kHz to an extra high of 5GHz. The types of physical phenomena at play on those different machines are quite different…
Will RF or cavitation “melt” my BBL fat?
Brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL) enlarges and lifts the buttocks by adding volume, through the addition of fat. However, BBL does not improve cellulite neither it changes the quality of the skin in the slightest and for this reason many people choose RF treatment, for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, or cavitation treatment, for cellulite reduction. However, many people are afraid that either of those technologies may reduce the amount of fat added via the BBL procedure…
Cellulite massage: all the facts and none of the hype
Massage for cellulite: does it work? There are many different types of cellulite massage (e.g. manual lymphatic drainage massage, deep tissue, body brushing, fascia massage, home cellulite massagers, cupping, vacuum massage , vibration etc). But do cellulite massages work? And of those that actually work which are the most efficient?
Hyaluronic acid before red light therapy
A lot of LED mask companies suggest that you use a (usually very expensive) serum before having a red/infrared light therapy session with their mask. However, skin has to be as clean as possible before LED treatment, especially with an LED mask, which by definition - and for safety purposes - is of low-power. This is because the skin surface has to display the smallest reflection possible, in order to…
Do fat burning creams work?
First off let’s clarify that no cream/gel/serum can actually ever burn any fat. This is biologically impossible. Fat is oxidised (what people call “burned”) in muscles and organs after being released by fat cells. No fat oxidation occurs in white adipose fat tissue (what people call “fat”). So in essence a “fat burning” cream that works (most don’t), is a cream that helps stimulate lipolysis (= fat release from fat cells) in specific areas where stubborn fat has accumulated…
Coffee, lipolysis, weight loss, fat reduction and cellulite
All you ever wanted to know about caffeine, weight loss, fat reduction and cellulite. If caffeine is lipolytic, why doesn't coffee help me lose weight? How do caffeine creams help with local fat loss and cellulite? Why does caffeine cause cellulite? Get the facts, not the hype with our detailed guide based on science.
Cranberry juice reverses glycation - and subsequently protects from skin ageing and cellulite
Skin elasticity vs skin tightness: what are the differences?
Many people confuse tightness and elasticity and use these terms interchangeably to describe youthful, healthy skin. But are these two terms one and the same? Young skin is the ideal type of skin, as it is both elastic and firm/tight. With age, both skin elasticity and tightness/firmness deteriorate, leading to thin, saggy, wrinkled, crepey and overall aged skin. In this article we explain what the terms ‘skin firmness / skin tightness’ and ‘skin elasticity’ mean exactly, and how to boost both of them for younger looking, healthier more beautiful skin…
Artificial sweeteners and cellulite
Sugar consumption is one of the most important causes of cellulite - as well as diabetes and obesity - today. Therefore reducing or eliminating sugar in all its forms (including honey, agave and other erroneously though to be “good sugars”) and everything made with it (cakes, ice-cream, cookies etc) is the number one priority for cellulite prevention and reduction (as well as weight maintenance). But what about sweeteners, artificial or natural? Do they affect weight/fat levels and - consequently - cellulite?
Radiofrequency / cavitation treatment for larger sizes: most machines are simply inadequate
Radiofrequency and ultrasound cavitation treatments, when provided with good equipment and by a well-trained, experienced and knowledgable therapist, remain THE best technologies for skin tightening and cellulite (far better and safer than HIFU and RF microneedling). However, most such machines available on the market are of low to very low power and are suited more to face treatments or to tiny body areas, than larger body areas…
Bringing the cellulite to the surface?
The beauty industry is full of myths and inaccuracies and the field of cellulite reduction even more so. But this must be the stupidest thing I have heard: “This treatment moves the cellulite to the surface” from where it is (apparently) easier to remove. This gem has been uttered by a member of the “clinical training” team of a (pretty good) machine manufacturer. Now let’s make it clear once and for all: cellulite is a tissue. It cannot move deep into the body, it cannot move to the surface and in general it cannot not go anywhere. Cellulite doesn’t travel…
For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF, not the whole breast
Breast firmness and perkiness depends mainly on two things: breast skin and Cooper’s ligaments. Together these two connective tissues help to maintain the shape and structural integrity of your breasts. Skin supports and keeps breast lifted from the outside, while Cooper’s ligaments (also known as the suspensory ligaments of Cooper or the fibrocollagenous septa of the breast) keep breast lifted from the inside. Younger breasts also have a higher proportion of breast tissue, as opposed to fat, and that also helps add to breast firmness by maintaining ‘turgidity’…
How to tighten your skin naturally
Thousands of pages can be filled with information about the theory and practice of skin tightening but it all boils down to six crucial points: plenty of protein; impactful physical activity; polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin C; deep-acting, high-power radio frequency; no crash dieting / yoyo dieting; no sugar, smoking or fried food. Now let’s examine these six points in more detail…
Slimming massage: does it work?
A slimming massage can mean two things. Losing “inches” by boosting circulation / lymphatic drainage and consequently reducing water retention; and losing actual fat. The former approach works, albeit temporarily. You receive a few lymphatic drainage or other type of massage and if your excess “inches” where due to water retention you lose some of the excess water and you think that you “slimmed down”. Slimming, of course, refers to fat loss and in this case no fat loss has occurred, just a temporary “water loss”…
Quinoa, protein, carbs, your skin and cellulite
As is common with many foods novel to Europe and the US, it was cleverly marketed as "superfood" by the media, in their quest for sensationalistic titles and internet traffic. One clever marketing idea is that quinoa is “protein”, meaning that quinoa is a food rich in protein. Is this correct? Let’s have a look at the facts…
Do your radiofrequency treatments cause spider veins?
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the strongest SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening. As both technologies produce heat (more with RF, less with ultrasound), and as both technologies are used with varyign levels of training and equipment quality, some people worry that their thread / spider veins may worsen.
At LipoTherapeia we have provided about 13,000 radiofrequency and ultrasound cavitation treatments in the last 14 years (January 2025) and we have never, ever had a problem with causing the creation of new thread veins (also known as spider veins or telangiectasia) or making existing ones worse. In theory, spider veins may become worse with the application of extreme heat (spider veins…
How often can you do radio frequency skin tightening on stomach, face or thighs?
With any effective body treatment, it is good to leave one, two or more days between sessions in order to allow for the skin to recover. So with a deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency treatment, you must leave at least 2-3 days between sessions. With ineffective, low power RF treatments, you can leave less time between sessions (as little…