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Cavitation for cellulite: how does it work?

Cavitation for cellulite: how does it work?

It is widely accepted today that high-power, low-frequency ultrasound treatment represents one of the few effective methods of cellulite reduction and, to a limited extent, subcutaneous fat reduction too. It often provides good results on its own, if the right equipment is used with the right protocols, and even better results when combined with high-power, deep-tissue radio frequency. But what is ultrasound cavitation and how does it work?

Monopolar RF vs bipolar RF for skin tightening and cellulite

Monopolar RF vs bipolar RF for skin tightening and cellulite

A very common question we are asked at the clinic is what is the difference between unipolar, monopolar, bipolar and multipolar (i.e. tripolar, tetrapolar, octipolar) radio frequency? Which one is best for skin tightening and cellulite? On this article we examine the merits of bipolar vs monopolar RF and…

BPA, microplastics, forever chemicals and cellulite

BPA, microplastics, forever chemicals and cellulite

Do you want smooth, cellulite-free legs? Detoxify your life from endocrine disrupting chemicals, xenoestrogens, phthalates and BPA, found in plastics…

Skin tightening treatment: what is best, stimulative or destructive ?

Skin tightening treatment: what is best, stimulative or destructive ?

Exercise and general movement do lead to tighter skin and, as mentioned above, they are absolutely essential to maintain tight skin. However, exercise and healthy nutrition act very slowly in reversing skin laxity and can only go so far in tightening skin in specific areas or throughout the body. So, indeed you can tighten your skin with exercise but usually not enough and not fast enough. Hence the need for a good, strong skin tightening treatment, for faster, more pronounced results than from just exercise…

Advanced cellulite treatments for the stomach/tummy in London

Advanced cellulite treatments for the stomach/tummy in London

Cellulite reduction on the stomach/belly area at the LipoTherapeia clinic (London, W1) with three advanced technologies. Two decades of experience, honest advice, personalised treatment, caring service. Book now!

Which is the best cellulite cream?

Which is the best cellulite cream?

Of all aesthetic conditions cellulite is the trickiest, the most “impossible” to treat with any method: diet, exercise, treatments or creams. Most other aesthetic conditions do not require the client to change their lifestyle much: if you don’t smoke and live generally healthy, you would expect very good results from a quality beauty treatment or cream without any other effort on your part…

Coconut oil for cellulite: does it help?

Coconut oil for cellulite: does it help?

Does coconut oil get rid of cellulite? Best virgin coconut oil for cellulite? Before anything else, let’s make it abundantly clear that nothing gets rid of cellulite. Although used liberally, the term “get rid of cellulite” means nothing for 90% of women with cellulite, because in 90% of cases cellulite cannot be “rid of”, it can only be reduced…

Why do teenagers have cellulite?

Why do teenagers have cellulite?

You may have noticed in the swimming pool, at the beach, at the gym etc, that some young women, even from the age of 13-14 have cellulite? How can this be possible, you might wonder? There are multiple factors that cause cellulite in general, and most of them also play a role in teenage cellulite. Let’s have a look.

Treatment with the best cellulite machine or with a cellulite expert: what is best?

Treatment with the best cellulite machine or with a cellulite expert: what is best?

The best technologies for effective AND safe cellulite reduction are deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation. However, RF and ultrasound machines come in all shapes and sizes. But then the same applies to knowledge and expertise. A good therapist can squeeze the most out of a mediocre machine. On the other hand, a bad therapist can underutilise a really good machine or - worse - cause…

How to tone glutes without growing them

How to tone glutes without growing them

The gluteus maximus is a muscle which almost no man or woman can have enough of, simply because it makes the butt area look strong, beautifully curvy and sexy. However, some people would prefer to have just a toned butt but not too toned or big. How can one do that? It’s simple. Do lots of intensive resistance exercise two to three times a week, for several weeks. And when you reach the stage where your muscles don’t just tone but they start growing bigger, stop and switch to maintenance resistance training for that area, once every two weeks…

Are diet and and exercise enough for cellulite reduction?

Are diet and and exercise enough for cellulite reduction?

Healthy nutrition and exercise are indeed absolutely essential for cellulite prevention, as inactivity and unhealthy diet/nutrition are major causes of cellulite. Furthermore, healthy nutrition and exercise are also 100% essential for cellulite reduction, as you cannot improve something without stopping the habits that originally led to its creation…

Advanced cellulite treatments for the thighs in London

Advanced cellulite treatments for the thighs in London

Cellulite reduction on the thighs and bum at the LipoTherapeia clinic (London, W1) with three advanced technologies. Two decades of experience, honest advice, personalised treatment, caring service. Book now!

The Cellulite School™

The Cellulite School™

Are you a professional (beauty therapist, aesthetic practitioner, nurse, doctor, dentist) and frustrated by the low level of training in cellulite, face/body skin tightening, radiofrequency, ultrasound, phototherapy, energy-based treatments? Do you want to deeply understand those subjects and do the most for your clients and your practice, salon, clinic or spa? Do you want to be able to answer all your clients’ questions and explain how things work accurately and with confidence? Do you want to offer the most effective treatment to your clients, with maximum safety and zero downtime? Do you want to know how exactly radiofrequency and ultrasound work, how exactly to apply them and how to offer the strongest possible RF / ultrasound treatment, safely…

Do slimming / fat burning creams work?

Do slimming / fat burning creams work?

First off let’s clarify that no cream/gel/serum can actually ever burn any fat. This is biologically impossible. Fat is oxidised (what people call “burned”) in muscles and organs after being released by fat cells. No fat oxidation occurs in white adipose fat tissue (what people call “fat”). So in essence a “fat burning” cream that works (most don’t), is a cream that helps stimulate lipolysis (= fat release from fat cells) in specific areas where stubborn fat has accumulated…

Vibration plate benefits: lymphatic drainage, skin tightening, cellulite prevention and more

Vibration plate benefits: lymphatic drainage, skin tightening, cellulite prevention and more

Cellulite is a combination of superficial fat accumulation, loose skin, water retention, inflammation and consequent scar tissue build up. Although vibration plate training does not really cure cellulite on it's own, it does indeed help improve some aspects of cellulite, it does boost skin tightening and its effect can be maximised if combined with healthy eating, cardiovascular exercise…

How many RF treatments to see results?

How many RF treatments to see results?

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is the strongest SAFE technology for skin tightening and cellulite reduction and provides good results in 6-12 sessions. This kind of technology works always under the pain threshold* and with an experienced therapist should be 99% safe or better. Experience has shown that with proper, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency the results of any given…

Do ultrasonic waves break down fat and cellulite?

Do ultrasonic waves break down fat and cellulite?

In the instant gratification world we live today in the West, where everything is instant and miraculous if you have money to pay for it, it seems that many people are obsessed in magically “breaking down” fat “forever”. And breaking down means zapping fat with a laser, ultrasound or radiofrequency device or mechanically breaking it with a therapist’s fingers or with a suction / vibration / shockwave machine, with the fat then evaporating into thin air forever so one can eat as much as much as they want from then on, without putting on any more fat or cellulite on their thighs, stomach etc.

Cupping for cellulite: does it work?

Cupping for cellulite: does it work?

“Does cupping work for cellulite?” This is a common question we are asked at the clinic and on this article I am going to explain how effective cupping is for cellulite, according to both science and my own practical experience (I have practised different types of cupping treatments for cellulite reduction already a good 20 years ago)…

Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

A diet that can help prevent or improve most or all of those changes, is the ideal cellulite diet. The diet components described below - always together with exercise / physical activity - address all seven facets of cellulite. As the same things that cause cellulite are also responsible for most whole body / skin ageing and degenerative diseases of the Western world, the ideal anti-cellulite diet is also the ideal healthy / anti-ageing diet…

How to get rid of cellulite in 2 weeks?

How to get rid of cellulite in 2 weeks?

So you can reduce cellulite - to some extent - in two weeks, go on holiday or attend that important event, and then continue your anti-cellulite regime for three months, for best results. And even after the three months, follow a healthy nutrition and exercise regime to prevent cellulite from coming back…