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ultrasound treatment

Do your radiofrequency treatments cause spider veins?

Do your radiofrequency treatments cause spider veins?

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the strongest SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening. As both technologies produce heat (more with RF, less with ultrasound), and as both technologies are used with varyign levels of training and equipment quality, some people worry that their thread / spider veins may worsen.

At LipoTherapeia we have provided about 13,000 radiofrequency and ultrasound cavitation treatments in the last 14 years (January 2025) and we have never, ever had a problem with causing the creation of new thread veins (also known as spider veins or telangiectasia) or making existing ones worse. In theory, spider veins may become worse with the application of extreme heat (spider veins…

How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite

How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two most effective SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening (far more effective and safe than e.g. RF microneedling or HIFU). Depth of treatment depends on the type of ultrasound or RF equipment you use, the settings you apply and even the contact medium you apply on the skin. Power depends on the equipment you use and the settings you apply…