skin tightening

How long does RF skin tightening last?

How long does RF skin tightening last?

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is by far the best and safest cellulite reduction and skin tightening technology and typically can offer great results in 6-12 sessions. But do these results last for ever or would maintenance treatments be needed? This is one of the most common questions at the clinic so I will present the answers here in detail…

Can cavitation or radiofrequency make cellulite and skin firmness worse?

Can cavitation or radiofrequency make cellulite and skin firmness worse?

There are two types of radiofrequency: stimulating and destructive. Safe, stimulative RF stimulates the synthesis functional collagen tissue, is provided always below the pain threshold, does not need anaesthetic cream, involves continuous movement of…

How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite

How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two most effective SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening (far more effective and safe than e.g. RF microneedling or HIFU). Depth of treatment depends on the type of ultrasound or RF equipment you use, the settings you apply and even the contact medium you apply on the skin. Power depends on the equipment you use and the settings you apply…

Red meat, skin looseness and cellulite

Red meat, skin looseness and cellulite

In the last half a century we all grew up being brainwashed: by the sugar/carbohydrate brigade to believe that red meat - and in general anything with protein in it - is bad for you due to saturated fat content; and by some unexplained hatred of certain “nutritionists” and “naturopaths” against protein because apparently “you don’t need much protein” or because protein stops your body from being “alkaline”. These are the same people who advocate to also abandon dairy products and expect the population to get all its calcium from anchovies and kale. As a result cellulite, skin laxity - and also anaemia - have shot up, especially among women, who tend to be more health conscious…

Cellulite treatment results: when shall I expect them?

Cellulite treatment results: when shall I expect them?

It is quite natural to be excited about seeing results from your aesthetic treatment, be it an anti-ageing procedure, a cellulite removal treatment etc. And living in a fast paced world, where instant gratification is considered the norm, people want to see results from anything they undertake as soon as possible - ideally yesterday. But let’s see how realistic such expectations are and what to expect from your cellulite treatment, really…

How does radiofrequency work for cellulite reduction and skin tightening?

How does radiofrequency work for cellulite reduction and skin tightening?

Radiofrequency is a technology aiming to provide deep heat INSIDE the skin, as opposed to a hot shower, a hot pack or an infrared-emitting device that provides superficial heat ON the skin.

RF is used to stimulate processes in the dermis and hypodermis (second and third layers of the skin, respectively, while at the same time not overheating the epidermis (as is the case with a hot shower, a hot pack or an infrared lamp.)

Dancing, cellulite and skin firmness

Dancing, cellulite and skin firmness

Physical activity and exercise are essential for both cellulite reduction and skin tightening. Diet only is never enough - both physical activity and healthy nutrition are needed. The most beneficial types of exercise / physical activity for cellulite prevention and skin firmness maintenance are the ones which combine both high intensity AND some form of vibration/impact. High intensity burns calories while the activity is…

Hypermobility, skin looseness and cellulite

Hypermobility, skin looseness and cellulite

Hypermobility is a broad term to describe loose connective tissue which is characterised by weaker/less collagen. This results not only in loose joints but also in loose, thin skin. So hypermobile / very flexible people tend to suffer from skin laxity from young age but especially so from their 40s and 50s, when collagen production decreases. Females suffer more from hypermobility, due to to the action of estrogen on connective tissue. Hypermobility in females increases just before their period and also in the latter…

Targeting the SMAS with RF microneedling, HIFU or radiofrequency: what a stupid idea

Targeting the SMAS with RF microneedling, HIFU or radiofrequency: what a stupid idea

Everyone interested in facial anti-ageing these days is talking about the SMAS. Suddenly everyone is an (ignorant) “expert” in the SMAS, just like everyone interested in cellulite or massage suddenly became an (ignorant) “expert” in all things fascia a few years ago. But what is the SMAS, why is everyone talking about it and why is it not such a great idea to target it non-surgically?

Skin looseness in slim women

Skin looseness in slim women

Skin looseness in slim women occurs mainly due to two factors. Genetics: Tall, slim people in general tend to have more loose connective tissue. This means better flexibility but also more skin looseness. In the younger years this connective tissue looseness goes unnoticed. But as we get older, and collagen levels start to decline, skin laxity becomes more obvious. Strict dieting or…

Does fibrosis always occur after lipo?

Does fibrosis always occur after lipo?

Fibrosis (i.e. internal scar tissue) is the result of inflammation. Not all Inflammation results in fibrosis, but quite often it does. Fibrosis after liposuction surgery can happen as a result of: Mechanical trauma, i.e. the movement of the liposuction cannula under the skin. This usually manifests as fibrous nodules (i.e. bumps / hard lumps) or occasional adhesions (skin stuck to underlying tissues and inhibiting movement / causing pain during movement). This kind of fibrosis is inadvertent…

For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF

For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF

Breast firmness and perkiness depends mainly on two things: breast skin and Cooper’s ligaments. Together these two connective tissues help to maintain the shape and structural integrity of your breasts. Skin supports and keeps breast lifted from the outside, while Cooper’s ligaments (also known as the suspensory ligaments of Cooper or the fibrocollagenous septa of the breast) keep breast lifted from the inside. Younger breasts also have a higher proportion of breast tissue, as opposed to fat, and that also helps add to breast firmness by maintaining ‘turgidity’…

What are the optimum skin temperatures for radiofrequency treatment?

What are the optimum skin temperatures for radiofrequency treatment?

Radiofrequency is based on deep heating different skin tissue layers, depending on the therapeutic outcome sought. As we cannot measure temperature inside our clients skin, we assess the intensity of RF treatment by measuring skin surface temperature. Depending on the machine used, settings applied, individual skin anatomy and even the treatment skin product utilised, a superficial temperature of e.g. 38°C can denote anything between 34°C to 42°C in different tissues…

What cellulite treatment or cream I would choose if I had cellulite (after specialising for 23 years in cellulite)

What cellulite treatment or cream I would choose if I had cellulite (after specialising for 23 years in cellulite)

What really works and what is a gimmick | 2024 update

At LipoTherapeia we preach what we practise. Our 100% focus is how to offer you the safest and most effective treatment possible, without cut corners or compromises. I put myself in your shoes and personally preach on this website and practise at the clinic what I would do myself if I needed skin tightening and cellulite reduction. Here is some more context into the technologies and active ingredients we use…