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natural butt lift

Natural butt lift with gluteus maximus exercises and RF treatments: how to achieve it

Natural butt lift with gluteus maximus exercises and RF treatments: how to achieve it

A Brazilian bum: everyone would like to have one, yet few would be prepared to go for surgery to achieve it, hence the popularity of so many “non-surgical bum lift treatments”. Lack of exercise, excess calorie intake, sugar intake, sitting down for long periods of time and normal ageing, all result in skin looseness, the accumulation of excess fat, cellulite and water retention on the buttock area. The result is a saggy bottom with puffy, spongy skin…

Non-surgical bum lift: all the facts, none of the hype

Non-surgical bum lift: all the facts, none of the hype

Everything things you need to know about butt lifts, non-surgical butt lifts and the so-called “non-surgical Brazilian butt lifts”. Lack of exercise, excess calorie intake, sitting down for long periods of time and the normal ageing process all take their toll on the skin, muscles and connective tissues of the buttock area. Liposuction can also leave the bottom area with excess skin. The result is fascia and skin looseness…