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Instant cellulite removal / skin tightening: does it exist?

Instant cellulite removal / skin tightening: does it exist?

The body, including the skin, needs regular strong-but-safe stimulation to change. Plus it needs time between sessions of stimulation to recover and built stronger issue. This is how building muscle at the gym works and this is how skin tightening / cellulite reduction treatments work: by providing regular, as strong-but-safe stimulation to tissues: muscles or skin, respectively. However, the body has its own limits, which precludes too intensive stimulation: If you suddenly use 150kg weights for your squats you will not build a more toned butt faster, you will end up in hospital with a knee injury. Likewise, if you use an aesthetic treatment which is three times stronger than…

Amazing "body transformations" with 1-4 sessions? Good luck with those, you will need it...

Amazing "body transformations" with 1-4 sessions? Good luck with those, you will need it...

Instant miracles and “amazing cellulite transformations” do not exist, no matter how expensive the treatment - don’t be naive

There is a lot of misinformation on cellulite, due to a mix of urban myth and marketing hype. And there are many things that you should not waste time doing when it comes to cellulite removal. In fact it is not a coincidence that we devote as many articles on what not works for cellulite on our “How to get rid of cellulite” guide, as we do on cellulite myths…

How often should I have cavitation treatment?

How often should I have cavitation treatment?

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two best technologies for both cellulite removal and skin tightening. With a high-power setup, the optimum frequency for treatments is twice a week, with a two or three day gap between sessions. The 2-3 day gap allows for recovery between sessions, which means maximum intensity can be used during treatment (in the few cases where deep, strong treatment is provided)…

Non-surgical bum lift: all the facts, none of the hype

Non-surgical bum lift: all the facts, none of the hype

Everything things you need to know about butt lifts, non-surgical butt lifts and the so-called “non-surgical Brazilian butt lifts”. Lack of exercise, excess calorie intake, sitting down for long periods of time and the normal ageing process all take their toll on the skin, muscles and connective tissues of the buttock area. Liposuction can also leave the bottom area with excess skin. The result is fascia and skin looseness…

Stimulative vs destructive skin tightening treatments: what is best?

Stimulative vs destructive skin tightening treatments: what is best?

Exercise and general movement do lead to tighter skin and, as mentioned above, they are absolutely essential to maintain tight skin. However, exercise and healthy nutrition act very slowly in reversing skin laxity and can only go so far in tightening skin in specific areas or throughout the body. So, indeed you can tighten your skin with exercise but usually not enough and not fast enough. Hence the need for a good, strong skin tightening treatment, for faster, more pronounced results than from just exercise…

Do ultrasonic waves break down fat and cellulite?

Do ultrasonic waves break down fat and cellulite?

In the instant gratification world we live today in the West, where everything is instant and miraculous if you have money to pay for it, it seems that many people are obsessed in magically “breaking down” fat “forever”. And breaking down means zapping fat with a laser, ultrasound or radiofrequency device or mechanically breaking it with a therapist’s fingers or with a suction / vibration / shockwave machine, with the fat then evaporating into thin air forever so one can eat as much as much as they want from then on, without putting on any more fat or cellulite on their thighs, stomach etc.