Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two best technologies for both cellulite removal and skin tightening. With a high-power setup, the optimum frequency for treatments is twice a week, with a two or three day gap between sessions. The 2-3 day gap allows for recovery between sessions, which means maximum intensity can be used during treatment (in the few cases where deep, strong treatment is provided)…
Does cavitation tighten skin?
High-power ultrasound cavitation is one of the two most effective SAFE methods for cellulite reduction, especially when provided by a well-trained, experienced and knowledgable therapist. Normally cavitation is not recommended for skin tightening, as it only exerts a weak skin tightening effect, when applied as usual…
Do you lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?
What is the best ultrasonic cavitation frequency for cellulite fat reduction?
Where does fat go after cavitation treatment?
This is a common question at the clinic: “If fat is removed from a stubborn fat area / cellulite tissue with radiofrequency and/or ultrasound cavitation, where does the fat go?” Due to massive internet misinformation, many people think that a treatment, ANY treatment, can eliminate fat there and then. However, as we know from physics matter cannot be eliminated like that - except with a nuclear reaction, which is not a good idea…
How long should a radiofrequency / cavitation session be?
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is the strongest SAFE treatment for cellulite reduction and skin tightening. However, even with the best treatment in the world, a protracted amount of time is needed to provide tissues with sufficient stimulation and effect change. So treatment duration for a high quality, strong RF treatment is 20-40’ per side, per area…