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radiofrequency treatment

RF / cavitation: gel, cream, serum or oil? When to use each conductive medium.

RF / cavitation: gel, cream, serum or oil? When to use each conductive medium.

“Radiofrequency” is an all encompassing term for treatment with different types of high frequency electrical currents. Different machines utilise different frequencies, from an extra low of 300kHz to an extra high of 5GHz. The types of physical phenomena at play on those different machines are quite different…

Instant cellulite removal / skin tightening: does it exist?

Instant cellulite removal / skin tightening: does it exist?

The body, including the skin, needs regular strong-but-safe stimulation to change. Plus it needs time between sessions of stimulation to recover and built stronger issue. This is how building muscle at the gym works and this is how skin tightening / cellulite reduction treatments work: by providing regular, as strong-but-safe stimulation to tissues: muscles or skin, respectively. However, the body has its own limits, which precludes too intensive stimulation: If you suddenly use 150kg weights for your squats you will not build a more toned butt faster, you will end up in hospital with a knee injury. Likewise, if you use an aesthetic treatment which is three times stronger than…

How to massage fibrosis after liposuction or cellulite surgery

How to massage fibrosis after liposuction or cellulite surgery

In a previous article we analysed everything to do with fibrosis after liposuction/cellulite surgery (normal liposuction, vaser, laser lipo, body tight, abdominoplasty/tummy tuck, thigh lift, cellfina, subcision, cellulaze), including what causes it. On this article we focus on the specifics of how to perform a safe and effective anti-fibrosis massage fibrosis after lipo/cellulite surgery.

Radiofrequency / cavitation treatment for larger sizes: most machines are simply inadequate

Radiofrequency / cavitation treatment for larger sizes: most machines are simply inadequate

Radiofrequency and ultrasound cavitation treatments, when provided with good equipment and by a well-trained, experienced and knowledgable therapist, remain THE best technologies for skin tightening and cellulite (far better and safer than HIFU and RF microneedling). However, most such machines available on the market are of low to very low power and are suited more to face treatments or to tiny body areas, than larger body areas…

Bringing the cellulite to the surface?

Bringing the cellulite to the surface?

The beauty industry is full of myths and inaccuracies and the field of cellulite reduction even more so. But this must be the stupidest thing I have heard: “This treatment moves the cellulite to the surface” from where it is (apparently) easier to remove. This gem has been uttered by a member of the “clinical training” team of a (pretty good) machine manufacturer. Now let’s make it clear once and for all: cellulite is a tissue. It cannot move deep into the body, it cannot move to the surface and in general it cannot not go anywhere. Cellulite doesn’t travel…

For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF, not the whole breast

For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF, not the whole breast

Breast firmness and perkiness depends mainly on two things: breast skin and Cooper’s ligaments. Together these two connective tissues help to maintain the shape and structural integrity of your breasts. Skin supports and keeps breast lifted from the outside, while Cooper’s ligaments (also known as the suspensory ligaments of Cooper or the fibrocollagenous septa of the breast) keep breast lifted from the inside. Younger breasts also have a higher proportion of breast tissue, as opposed to fat, and that also helps add to breast firmness by maintaining ‘turgidity’…

How to tighten your skin naturally

How to tighten your skin naturally

Thousands of pages can be filled with information about the theory and practice of skin tightening but it all boils down to six crucial points: plenty of protein; impactful physical activity; polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin C; deep-acting, high-power radio frequency; no crash dieting / yoyo dieting; no sugar, smoking or fried food. Now let’s examine these six points in more detail…

Do your radiofrequency treatments cause spider veins?

Do your radiofrequency treatments cause spider veins?

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the strongest SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening. As both technologies produce heat (more with RF, less with ultrasound), and as both technologies are used with varyign levels of training and equipment quality, some people worry that their thread / spider veins may worsen.

At LipoTherapeia we have provided about 13,000 radiofrequency and ultrasound cavitation treatments in the last 14 years (January 2025) and we have never, ever had a problem with causing the creation of new thread veins (also known as spider veins or telangiectasia) or making existing ones worse. In theory, spider veins may become worse with the application of extreme heat (spider veins…

How often can you do radio frequency skin tightening on stomach, face or thighs?

How often can you do radio frequency skin tightening on stomach, face or thighs?

With any effective body treatment, it is good to leave one, two or more days between sessions in order to allow for the skin to recover. So with a deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency treatment, you must leave at least 2-3 days between sessions. With ineffective, low power RF treatments, you can leave less time between sessions (as little…

What cellulite treatment I would choose if I had cellulite (after specialising for 24 years in cellulite reduction)

What cellulite treatment I would choose if I had cellulite (after specialising for 24 years in cellulite reduction)

What really works and what is a gimmick | 2025 update

At LipoTherapeia we preach what we practise. Our 100% focus is how to offer you the safest and most effective treatment possible, without cut corners or compromises. I put myself in your shoes and personally preach on this website and practise at the clinic what I would do myself if I needed skin tightening and cellulite reduction. Here is some more context into the technologies and active ingredients we use…

How does ultrasound cavitation reduce cellulite fat? [Research]

How does ultrasound cavitation reduce cellulite fat? [Research]

Ultrasound-induced cavitation is a phenomenon that occurs when high-intensity sound waves are used on certain tissues, such as human skin. When the intensity of the sound waves is strong enough, it can create small gas bubbles in the tissue. These bubbles can then quickly collapse, releasing energy in the form of heat and force. Research has shown that this process can reduce the amount of fat and shrink the size of fat cells in the skin.

Radiofrequency vs high frequency wand: what are the differences?

Radiofrequency vs high frequency wand: what are the differences?

Some people confuse radio frequency with ‘high frequency wand’ used for facials Due to the the word “frequency” in both names, some people confuse high frequency wand treatment with radiofrequency. However, the two could not be any more different.

Laser and red/infrared LED light therapy vs radiofrequency and cavitation for skin tightening and cellulite

Laser and red/infrared LED light therapy vs radiofrequency and cavitation for skin tightening and cellulite

Which is better for body skin tightening and cellulite: laser or radio frequency? Absolutely NOT laser. Laser is way too superficial and also pointless for skin tightening or cellulite. There are two types of lasers: strong, ablative, lasers aim to burn the surface of the skin to stimulate new epidermal growth. Cellulite, however, is found at the deepest layer of the skin (hypodermis), not the most superficial (epidermis), so ablative lasers do not work for cellulite at all…

RF vs cavitation for cellulite reduction: what is best?

RF vs cavitation for cellulite reduction: what is best?

If you're looking to improve the firmness of your skin and reduce cellulite, you may have come across the terms "radiofrequency" and "cavitation" in your research. While these treatments may seem similar at first glance, they actually have some key differences that are important to understand.

Does cavitation work on visceral fat (deep belly fat)?

Does cavitation work on visceral fat (deep belly fat)?

Visceral fat is the fat responsible for the so-called “beer belly” look. It is also the most unhealthy fat you can have, as it increases the risk if diabetes and cardiovascular disease. So it is no wonder people ask whether they can reduce visceral fat with any method. However, as we can see healthy eating, weight loss and exercise (and lately anti-diabetic injections) are the only ways to reduce visceral fat…

Does radio frequency melt fat? Hype vs facts.

Does radio frequency melt fat? Hype vs facts.

I don’t know where this “fat melting” idea came from, but those who invented this phrase a few decades ago, should have known that fat is already liquid in fat cells. In fact, scientists call the lipid content in fat cells “the adipocyte lipid droplet”. So next time you visit a clinic where they claim to melt your fat…

Natural butt lift with gluteus maximus exercises and RF treatments: how to achieve it

Natural butt lift with gluteus maximus exercises and RF treatments: how to achieve it

A Brazilian bum: everyone would like to have one, yet few would be prepared to go for surgery to achieve it, hence the popularity of so many “non-surgical bum lift treatments”. Lack of exercise, excess calorie intake, sugar intake, sitting down for long periods of time and normal ageing, all result in skin looseness, the accumulation of excess fat, cellulite and water retention on the buttock area. The result is a saggy bottom with puffy, spongy skin…

What is the new cellulite treatment for 2025?

What is the new cellulite treatment for 2025?

Unless you are a shallow blogger/journalist about to write a “Forget abc, xyz is the newest celebrity-endorsed cellulite treatment that took the world by storm in 2025” type of article, it doesn’t really matter what is the newest cellulite treatment. Every year a bunch of new, hyped-up beauty/aesthetic treatments appear and in a few years, when people realise that said treatments are not that miraculous after all, they gradually disappear…

Do you lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?

Do you lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?

Absolutely not. It is impossible to lose weight with any treatment of any kind, including cavitation, radiofrequency, lasers or anything else. Why is that? Because weight loss occurs when fatty acids are oxidised (“burned”) for energy in organs and muscles…

What is the best cellulite treatment? [2025 edition]

What is the best cellulite treatment? [2025 edition]

A list of the most effective cellulite treatments - in real life, not in the virtual reality of social media

As most women know by experience, most cellulite treatments simply do not work. And when we say they don't work, we mean that they either do not work at all or that they offer so poor results that you would need 20, 30 or 50 sessions to be happy with the results. Here we will review the best treatments, according to effectiveness (more effective treatments are presented first, ineffective treatments are presented last)…