The gluteus maximus is a muscle which almost no man or woman can have enough of, simply because it makes the butt area look strong, beautifully curvy and sexy. However, some people would prefer to have just a toned butt but not too toned or big. How can one do that? It’s simple. Do lots of intensive resistance exercise two to three times a week, for several weeks. And when you reach the stage where your muscles don’t just tone but they start growing bigger, stop and switch to maintenance resistance training for that area, once every two weeks…
How to get rid of fat cells, permanently?
Getting rid of ALL fat cells in a specific area, FOREVER? Doesn’t exist, despite what you were told. Sorry… It is understandable if a beauty therapist makes the above statement but if a cosmetic doctor does so, they are either lying or they need to open a book about adipose tissue published after the 1990s. It’s 2023 now and such ignorance is utterly unacceptable….
What cellulite treatment I would choose if I had cellulite (after specialising for 24 years in cellulite reduction)
What really works and what is a gimmick | 2025 update
At LipoTherapeia we preach what we practise. Our 100% focus is how to offer you the safest and most effective treatment possible, without cut corners or compromises. I put myself in your shoes and personally preach on this website and practise at the clinic what I would do myself if I needed skin tightening and cellulite reduction. Here is some more context into the technologies and active ingredients we use…
RF vs cavitation for cellulite reduction: what is best?
Cellulite exercise | How to get rid of cellulite
At the time of updating this article (February 2023) Google returned 3.7 million pages for the query “cellulite exercises”, volunteering “helpful suggestions” such as curtsy lunges, lateral lunges, glute bridges and squat jumps. But do these exercises work? Can you get rid of - or at least reduce - cellulite with specific exercises? Here we present the ultimate “exercise for cellulite” guide. Honest and straight to the point, without clichés or even dangerous misinformation that you find all over the internet. Just science-based, actionable information.
Loose skin after BBL reversal: how to tighten up and lift your skin again
Apparently the BBL era is now over and the most dangerous cosmetic procedure is now on the wane. Big butts are gradually going out of fashion and a slimmer, or at least more balanced look, is now the new trend. The Kardashians are reported to have apparently reversed their BBLs - although they never admitted them in the first place and although millions of women around the world copied the non-admitted BBLs…
The ideal cellulite reduction plan, without any cut corners or compromises, for maximum results
Here is the IDEAL cellulite removal plan, without any cut corners or compromises, i.e. where the usual time and money constraints are not issue. Most people only have two weeks left before their holidays to do something about cellulite, a limited budget (fair enough), limited time to receive treatments or to apply creams and no intention, energy or time to follow an exercise / healthy nutrition regime. But for those who have the time, money and energy, this is the best possible plan, without gimmicks or compromises.
Cryolipolysis vs radio frequency vs cavitation: what is best?
Is swimming good for cellulite / skin firmness?
When to have a course of cellulite / skin tightening treatments for maximum results before holidays
If your cellulite treatment is a clay body wrap, lymphatic massage, mechanical massage with vacuum suction or anything similarly short-lasting, yes. Have the last session just 1-2 days before your holidays and hopefully that will last you up to one week into your holidays. However, if you are having a real cellulite / skin tightening treatment that aims for long-term results, such as deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency or high-power ultrasound cavitation, the best thing to do is finish your sessions about a month before your holidays or thereabouts…
Hydroxyproline: the ultimate skin tightening cream ingredient
Collagen is a protein that contains higher amounts of proline, glycine and hydroxyproline than other body proteins. Hydroxyproline, specifically, is only found in collagen in the body - nowhere else and it is THE most important aminoacid in that protein. Studies have shown that a hydroxyproline peptide stimulates collagen I and III synthesis, as well as elastin synthesis. In addition it inhibits collagen breakdown…
Gotu kola / centella asiatica: how it works for cellulite and other skin conditions
Centella asiatica (gotu kola) is one of the most important herbs for skincare and skin diseases, due to its multifunctional action. This review summarises the main modes of action of gotu kola on multiple aesthetic and medical skin conditions: acne, acne scars, burns, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, fibrosis, hair loss and cellulite…
Does liposuction get rid of cellulite?
To understand whether liposuction can help with cellulite we have to know what kind of fat liposuction removes and what kind of fat cellulite is made of. In addition to deep fat, found deep inside the stomach (visceral fat) and intramuscular fat, found inside muscles (as in “marble fat” in steaks), there are two other types of fat on the human body which are found on the surface of the body: subcutaneous fat, which is found under the skin; and hypodermal and dermal fat, which is found inside the skin…
Does coolsculpting get rid of cellulite? Facts vs marketing hype.
This a common question we are asked at the clinic. Coolsculpting is the most well-known example of cryolipolysis technology. Cryolipolysis aims to lead to subcutaneous adipose tissue adipolysis (i.e. fat cell death) with the application of extreme cold. Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) is the fat tissue UNDER the skin, while cellulite is fat tissue inside the skin (hypodermis), so by definition cryolipolysis / coolsculpting do NOT remove cellulite.
Should I wait to lose all my extra weight before I start my cellulite treatments?
Many people think that they have to “lose all the weight first” and only then start a cellulite treatment, because this way they are ready to start treatment. However, this could not be further from the truth. The best thing is to lose any weight you may want to lose during your course of treatments - not before or after.
Non-invasive cellulite treatments and advanced cellulite creams at LipoTherapeia
There is a clearly growing trend for naturals and I can only see this getting bigger. People move away from harsh chemicals and prefer to buy skincare products with more natural and softer ingredients. However, as it always happens, there is a lot of hype and misinformation, with many products claiming to be “rich” in a specific “trendy” natural ingredient, when in reality the may contain as little as 0.01% of that active…
Cellulite vs visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat: the differences
Adipose (fat) tissue, i.e. what we call ‘body fat’, stores calories in the body in the form of ‘triglycerides’, which is the technical name for all fats and oils. In addition, adipose tissue also secretes hormones-like substances, called adipokines, such as resistin, adiponectin, leptin, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and even estrogen…
Radiofrequency, collagen stimulation and skin tightening
The main thing that radiofrequency does is to tighten skin. This happens via two mechanisms: RF stimulates existing collagen contraction; RF stimulates new collagen and elastin synthesis. In fact radiofrequency is the best way to achieve both collagen contraction and production. Any other technique is simply not effective enough, unsafe or both.
When it comes to skin tightening / toning / lifting, radiofrequency is the only game in town.
Is cellulite permanent? Is there any permanent treatment for cellulite?
Does spot fat reduction or spot cellulite reduction with exercise exist? Get the facts, not the hype.
Can I lose fat on a specific area with exercise?
Can I lose cellulite from my legs with exercise?
Can I tighten the skin of my legs with exercise?
At the time of updating this article (February 2022) there were about 3.7 million pages on Google dedicated to “cellulite exercises” and another 31 million pages on “how to lose fat from thighs with exercise”…