Collagen is a protein that contains higher amounts of proline, glycine and hydroxyproline than other body proteins. Hydroxyproline, specifically, is only found in collagen in the body - nowhere else and it is THE most important aminoacid in that protein. Studies have shown that a hydroxyproline peptide stimulates collagen I and III synthesis, as well as elastin synthesis. In addition it inhibits collagen breakdown…
Collagen, skin tightening and cellulite
Many of our clients ask us a lot of questions relating to skin firmness: collagen, elastin, skin tightness, skin elasticity, collagen powders, skin tightening treatments and creams, how to increase skin elasticity, and of course, cellulite. Here is a concise guide on collagen, elastin and how these proteins affect skin firmness, elasticity and cellulite. Skin is made primarily of rigid protein-based fibres such as collagen and fibronectin and elastic protein-based fibres, such as elastin and fibrillin. Collagen and fibronectin give firmness/tightness to skin and other tissues, while elastin and fibrillin provide elasticity.
What exactly is an anti-cellulite cream?
So this is what makes a cellulite cream: a fast absorbable cream formulation with - ideally a high concentration of) anti-cellulite active ingredients in it. It’s as simple as that. Without anti-cellulite active ingredients - or with very little in the way of active ingredients - we are talking about a simple body moisturiser. I am sorry to break it to you, but 99% of the so-called cellulite creams on the market are exactly that, basically a body moisturiser…
Cellulite creams: should emphasis be placed on water retention, fat reduction, skin firming of fibrosis?
The four main visual aspects of cellulite are hypodermal fat accumulation, water retention/puffiness, skin looseness and fibrosis. Hypodermal fat accumulation combined with fibrosis is what makes fat globules protrude from the skin surface. Fat pushes up and fibrotic collagen fibres push down, resulting in the mattress effect. Water retention makes cellulite more visible by increasing volume in the hypodermis and dermis. Likewise, loose skin makes it easier for the fat globules to push up…