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do cellulite creams work

How do cellulite creams work?

How do cellulite creams work?

Spot cellulite/fat reduction: is it possible? Most women believe that cellulite creams do not “work”, and I do not blame them given the hype, exaggeration, misinformation and fake before and after after pictures regarding anything to do with cellulite (not just cellulite creams) out there. But even knowing that a cellulite cream can get absorbed, one may ask how can a cream reduce cellulite fat that lies in the dermis and hypodermis?…

Do cellulite creams work independently of cellulite treatments?

Do cellulite creams work independently of cellulite treatments?

Cellulite creams and cellulite treatments work on slightly different aspects of cellulite with some differences and some overlaps. In fact, cellulite creams can do things that cellulite treatments can’t. On the other hand, treatments work faster than creams. Cellulite treatments, for example, cannot act on free radical damage, glycation or inflammation. On the other hand, a good cellulite cream (I know, they are very rare, but they do exist) will…

Cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments

Cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments

This is a common question we hear at the clinic. Cellulite creams are much more economical than treatments, so if they do work they make more sense, at least economically. On the other hand, many people do not believe that creams are even absorbed or they believe that their benefits are due to massaging the cream on the legs, two myths that we addressed in detail in previous articles. Of course a good cellulite cream is absorbed; and the effect of massaging the cream into the skin is negligible. On this article we are looking at the pros and cons of cellulite treatments vs cellulite creams.

Do cellulite creams work? Facts vs marketing hype.

Do cellulite creams work? Facts vs marketing hype.

In a previous article we have discussed the differences, merits and drawbacks of cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments. On this article we are focusing a bit more on why a good, concentrated, multi-ingredient cellulite cream can play an important role in cellulite reduction, more than what most women assume.

Is it the cellulite cream itself, or massaging it into the skin, that works?

Is it the cellulite cream itself, or massaging it into the skin, that works?

Is it the cellulite cream that works or the massaging action by which the cream is applied? This is the natural evolution of “creams don’t get absorbed” idea. If creams do not get absorbed and yet people are happy with them, that means that something else works, other than the cream. And what else can that be than massaging the cream into the skin? Makes sense, right? Well, let’s look at the facts…

What exactly is an anti-cellulite cream?

What exactly is an anti-cellulite cream?

So this is what makes a cellulite cream: a fast absorbable cream formulation with - ideally a high concentration of) anti-cellulite active ingredients in it. It’s as simple as that. Without anti-cellulite active ingredients - or with very little in the way of active ingredients - we are talking about a simple body moisturiser. I am sorry to break it to you, but 99% of the so-called cellulite creams on the market are exactly that, basically a body moisturiser…

For a cellulite cream to work, you have to use it (sounds obvious, right?)

For a cellulite cream to work, you have to use it (sounds obvious, right?)

Indeed most cellulite creams do not work. Most cellulite creams are diluted junk, with little or no active anti-cellulite ingredients in them and are designed, manufactured and marketed for one reason: maximum profit. So even if you apply them religiously they do not have a chance in hell to work. Most people do not change their habits that initially led to the creation of cellulite and expect the cellulite cream to do all the work. Again, under these circumstances, even if you apply your cream religiously it will not work. And many people only use their cellulite cream from time to time. No skincare product, cellulite cream or not, will ever work if you don’t apply it…