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best anti cellulite cream

Which is the best cellulite cream?

Which is the best cellulite cream?

Of all aesthetic conditions cellulite is the trickiest, the most “impossible” to treat with any method: diet, exercise, treatments or creams. Most other aesthetic conditions do not require the client to change their lifestyle much: if you don’t smoke and live generally healthy, you would expect very good results from a quality beauty treatment or cream without any other effort on your part…

Do cellulite creams work? Facts vs marketing hype.

Do cellulite creams work? Facts vs marketing hype.

In a previous article we have discussed the differences, merits and drawbacks of cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments. On this article we are focusing a bit more on why a good, concentrated, multi-ingredient cellulite cream can play an important role in cellulite reduction, more than what most women assume.