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retinol cream for cellulite

Hypodermal fat accumulation and cellulite: the elephant in the room that most treatments ignore

Hypodermal fat accumulation and cellulite: the elephant in the room that most treatments ignore

When it comes to cellulite many so-called “cellulite experts” focus on everything else than the elephant in the room, the most important thing: hypodermal fat accumulation - i.e. fat accumulation in the deepest layer of the skin, the hypodermis. It is increased hypodermal fat accumulation that causes circulation constriction and consequent water retention…

Which is the best cellulite cream?

Which is the best cellulite cream?

Of all aesthetic conditions cellulite is the trickiest, the most “impossible” to treat with any method: diet, exercise, treatments or creams. Most other aesthetic conditions do not require the client to change their lifestyle much: if you don’t smoke and live generally healthy, you would expect very good results from a quality beauty treatment or cream without any other effort on your part…