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liposuction for cellulite

Hypodermal fat accumulation and cellulite: the elephant in the room that most treatments ignore

Hypodermal fat accumulation and cellulite: the elephant in the room that most treatments ignore

When it comes to cellulite many so-called “cellulite experts” focus on everything else than the elephant in the room, the most important thing: hypodermal fat accumulation - i.e. fat accumulation in the deepest layer of the skin, the hypodermis. It is increased hypodermal fat accumulation that causes circulation constriction and consequent water retention…

Cellulite: surgery or non-surgical treatments? What is best?

Cellulite: surgery or non-surgical treatments? What is best?

It is true that most non-surgical cellulite treatments do not really work. Most such treatments range from generally safe but ineffective (think palper-rouler massage, acoustic wave therapy (AWT), microneedling, bipolar/tripolar RF etc) to dangerous and generally ineffective (high intensity HIFU, high intensity RF microneedling etc). As a result many people think that cellulite surgery is a better, so-called “one-off” option...

Does liposuction get rid of cellulite?

Does liposuction get rid of cellulite?

To understand whether liposuction can help with cellulite we have to know what kind of fat liposuction removes and what kind of fat cellulite is made of. In addition to deep fat, found deep inside the stomach (visceral fat) and intramuscular fat, found inside muscles (as in “marble fat” in steaks), there are two other types of fat on the human body which are found on the surface of the body: subcutaneous fat, which is found under the skin; and hypodermal and dermal fat, which is found inside the skin…