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Is RF effective for slimming the face?

Is RF face slimming effective?

We are pleased to share our experience in radiofrequency and ultrasound, from our clinic in London with everyone in the world. Check all our RF and ultrasound articles here. And if you do live in London, feel free to book a treatment with us here.

  • Is RF facial face slimming effective?

  • Two types of RF for face slimming: destructive and stimulating

  • What about body slimming?

  • Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

Radiofrequency and slimming

Radiofrequency refers to high frequency electrical currents and aims to target superficial, medium deep or deep skin layers.

Radiofrequency does three things where it is applied:

  • It stimulates collagen and elastin contraction and synthesis

  • It stimulates lipolysis, i.e. fat release from fat cells

  • It stimulates circulation

Some types of high-power, deep-tissue radiofrequency do act on the subcutaneous adipose tissue and can reduce fat deposits, resulting in some localised slimming / contouring on the body or face.

Because RF also tightens skin at the same time, this is the optimum method for topical fat reduction, as skin becomes tighter and slimmer at the same time.

However, radiofrequency cannot effectively reduce large fat deposits (no non-surgical method can efficiently do that). So it wouldn’t work on a large double chin, but for smaller fat deposits on the face or body it is ideal, as it is both safe and effective.

So RF is great for cellulite reduction (body), skin tightening (body and face) and - if specifically directed at deeper levels - for limited fat reduction too (body and face).

Two types of RF for face slimming: destructive and stimulating

There are two types of radiofrequency: destructive and stimulating.

The destructive type is supposed to provide results with 1 or 2, very painful - and usually extortionately expensive - sessions. It is provided with anaesthetic cream and aims to burn both fat and other tissue inside the skin, with the hope that fat will not grow again the scar tissue produced after the trauma will tighten the skin. It is neither safe, accurate or particularly effective.

The stimulating type works with 6-12 - and usually reasonably priced - sessions. It does not need anaesthetic cream and aims to stimulate gradual fat release and collagen/elastin production and contraction. If it is deep-acting, of high power and provided below the pain threshold, it is safe, accurate and effective.

RF can be combined with ultrasound cavitation for even better results on the face or the body.

What about body slimming?

Again, as with facial slimming, radiofrequency and ultrasound cavitation are for small body fat deposits and cellulite. For larger fat deposits the only options are either diet/exercise or surgery.

The only non-surgical method worth considering, cryolipolysis / fat freezing, has a 10%-50% efficacy rate, plus frequent adverse reactions, so we do neither offer it nor recommend it.

Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening? Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible. Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.