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Is it the cellulite cream itself, or massaging it into the skin, that works?

Cellulite cream myths don’t get worse than this one

Our Beachy Legs articles are a practical way to share our experience in cellulite and skin tightening, from our London clinic with everyone in the world. Check all our articles here. And if you do live in London, you can book an assessment, consultation or treatment with us here.

  • Is it the cellulite cream that works or is it massaging it on the thighs that actually reduces cellulite?

  • Yet another cellulite myth, propagated by so-called “experts” with zero hands-on experience on cellulite

  • Cellulite removal with two minutes of massage a day? doesn’t it sound dreamy to you?

  • One-minute light rubbing of a cellulite cream vs 60 minutes of professional massage

  • Cellulite creams do get absorbed and - some of them - do work

  • Check our professional consultancy, for a masterclass in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

Is it the cellulite cream that works or is it massaging it on the thighs that actually reduces cellulite?

This myth is the natural evolution of the “creams don’t get absorbed” myth: if creams do not get absorbed and yet people are happy with them, that means that something else works, other than the cream.

And what else could it be than massaging the creams into skin? Makes sense, right?

Well, errrm, no. This whole idea smacks of ignorance, which is made worse by the confidence with which it is spelt out by so called “skin experts” in the media.

Let’s see how things actually work…

Yet another cellulite myth, propagated by so-called “experts” with zero hands-on experience on cellulite

The idea that massaging a cream for one minute can have an effect on cellulite is yet another urban beauty myth.

A myth propagated by ignorant “skin experts” who know nothing about anti-cellulite massage, cellulite cream formulation or even about cellulite itself for that matter, and who have never tried to apply their theories professionally, in real life.

This myth is derived from the fact that most cellulite creams indeed don’t work, as most are indeed not concentrated or comprehensive enough.

However, like all the other myths about cellulite, this myth is proven completely irrational, even by employing very simple thinking, let alone practice, experience or science.

Cellulite removal with two minutes of massage a day? doesn’t it sound dreamy to you?

The puny one-minute amateur light massage needed to apply a cream is 60x times less effective than a light sixty-minute swedish massage.

Now, if you have had one of those swedish massages before, you would already know that they don't do anything for cellulite, despite the 60 minutes of treatment.

And given that strong, cellulite-specific massage is roughly 5x times more effective than a wishy-washy swedish massage, then the one-minute cellulite cream application massage is probably 300x times less effective than a good anti-cellulite massage.

One-minute light rubbing of a cellulite cream vs 60 minutes of professional massage

In fact, if you were lucky enough to have found a specialist therapist who offers a proper cellulite massage, you would also know that at least:

  • 6x sessions ✅

  • of a super-strong ✅

  • skilled ✅

  • 60-minute long ✅

…massage is necessary to see some half-decent results - with 12x sessions being ideal.

So a massage cream application offers literally HUNDREDS OF TIMES LESS EFFICACY than a cellulite massage, with the professional cellulite massage itself not being a fast miracle cure either, by any stretch of the imagination.

How can then one experience cellulite reduction after two weeks of mildly massaging a cream onto the skin once a day, i.e. a total of 14 minutes of light massage spread over 14 days? Not to mention that most people apply a cellulite cream only from time to time, when they remember…

It really beggars belief that people fall for this myth, decade in, decade out.

The fact is that if any results are produced by an anti-cellulite cream that actually works (sure, most don’t work), they are definitely down to the cream itself and not to the little puny massage needed to absorb the cream.

On the other hand, massaging your skin VIGOROUSLY for 30 or 60 minutes, at least three times a week, can offer some benefits indeed, especially when combined with using a good anti-cellulite cream once or twice a day.

But this is totally different to an one-minute or even five-minute application massage that helps the cream get absorbed.

Cellulite creams do get absorbed and - some of them - do work

As we mentioned in a previous article, creams do get absorbed, and well-designed creams get absorbed very, very well, all the way into the dermis.

And as we have also mentioned before, most cellulite creams unfortunately do not work, simply because they are NOT comprehensive and/or NOT concentrated enough (or because the person that applies them does not use the cream daily and/or does not pay any attention to healthy eating and exercise).

But some creams do work and together with a healthy lifestyle can offer some great results within 3-12 weeks of daily use.

Check our professional consultancy, for a masterclass in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening? Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one training and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible. Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.