It is widely accepted today that high-power, low-frequency ultrasound treatment represents one of the few effective methods of cellulite reduction and, to a limited extent, subcutaneous fat reduction too. It often provides good results on its own, if the right equipment is used with the right protocols, and even better results when combined with high-power, deep-tissue radio frequency. But what is ultrasound cavitation and how does it work?
Do you use radiofrequency or cavitation for your cellulite treatments?
We typically use radiofrequency-only when cellulite is combined with skin laxity (most common); and ultrasound cavitation-only when skin laxity is not a concern (less common). In many cases we use a mix of those technologies. But in all cases we now combine RF and/or cavitation with high-power LED red/infrared light therapy, as it provenly enhances the results of RF and cavitation. However, every body is different and there are many considerations on whether to use…
Cavitation treatment: how often should I have it?
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two best technologies for both cellulite removal and skin tightening. With a high-power setup, the optimum frequency for treatments is twice a week, with a two or three day gap between sessions. The 2-3 day gap allows for recovery between sessions, which means maximum intensity can be used during treatment (in the few cases where deep, strong treatment is provided)…
Cavitation ultrasound for cellulite vs physiotherapy ultrasound
Yes, there are usually considerable differences. Physiotherapy ultrasound is usually of 1MHz (and sometimes 3MHz) frequency and of maximum power of around 10 Watts. Quite often it is used at a fraction of this maximum power, usually anything between 1 Watt and 5 Watts. This is because physiotherapy ultrasound is meant to stimulate and it is also used in a very small area, hence the low powers. Sometimes, low frequency ultrasound (300kHz) is used in physiotherapy but at very, very low powers (0.5-1 Watt). Some machines used in beauty, for cellulite reduction or other purposes, can also be of…
RF vs cavitation for cellulite reduction: what is best?
Do you lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?
What is the best ultrasonic cavitation frequency for cellulite fat reduction?
How long should a radiofrequency / cavitation session be?
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is the strongest SAFE treatment for cellulite reduction and skin tightening. However, even with the best treatment in the world, a protracted amount of time is needed to provide tissues with sufficient stimulation and effect change. So treatment duration for a high quality, strong RF treatment is 20-40’ per side, per area…
What skin layers does ultrasound cavitation treatment work on?
Different skin tissue depths and their structures affect cellulite and skin laxity in different ways. There is widespread confusion regarding cellulite, the different skin tissue layers and their depths in the scientific literature - not to mention general information that you can find on the web. The names are totally confusing and are used to describe different things by different researchers…
If I press my RF/ultrasound handpiece hard on the skin, will it make treatment deeper?
Many therapists have the habit of pressing hard with the handpiece on the client’s skin in order to offer a deeper treatment. But does that make sense? Does treatment get deeper? The answer is maybe, depending on the equipment used, but this is not a valid or even safe way to provide deep treatment. First off, the constant pressure is not good for the therapist. It makes treatment straining and...
When ultrasound / radiofrequency doesn’t work: too much, too little, too deep, too superficial
However, not all cavitation and RF treatments are the same. In fact, as every clinic individual therapist practises those technologies differently, even with the exact same equipment - and as there is a huge variety of RF and ultrasound equipment on the market, ranging from very low spec to very high spec - we can say that there are as many RF/cavitation treatments on the market as there are clinics in the world - probably tens of thousands of them...