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The Cellulite School | PP

How to choose the right mix of radiofrequency and cavitation for effective cellulite reduction

How to choose the right mix of radiofrequency and cavitation for effective cellulite reduction

However, each specific case comes with a set of problems, requirements and different tissue types that would benefit more from ultrasound cavitation, radiofrequency or a mix of those techniques: cellulite type (deep vs superficial, hard vs soft etc); cellulite severity; connective tissue fibrosis; skin sensitivity; skin laxity; subcutaneous tissue depth; surface area to be treated…

What skin layers does ultrasound cavitation treatment work on?

What skin layers does ultrasound cavitation treatment work on?

Different skin tissue depths and their structures affect cellulite and skin laxity in different ways. There is widespread confusion regarding cellulite, the different skin tissue layers and their depths in the scientific literature - not to mention general information that you can find on the web. The names are totally confusing and are used to describe different things by different researchers…

If I press my RF/ultrasound handpiece hard on the skin, will it make treatment deeper?

If I press my RF/ultrasound handpiece hard on the skin, will it make treatment deeper?

Many therapists have the habit of pressing hard with the handpiece on the client’s skin in order to offer a deeper treatment. But does that make sense? Does treatment get deeper? The answer is maybe, depending on the equipment used, but this is not a valid or even safe way to provide deep treatment. First off, the constant pressure is not good for the therapist. It makes treatment straining and...

When ultrasound / radiofrequency doesn’t work: too much, too little, too deep, too superficial

When ultrasound / radiofrequency doesn’t work: too much, too little, too deep, too superficial

However, not all cavitation and RF treatments are the same. In fact, as every clinic individual therapist practises those technologies differently, even with the exact same equipment - and as there is a huge variety of RF and ultrasound equipment on the market, ranging from very low spec to very high spec - we can say that there are as many RF/cavitation treatments on the market as there are clinics in the world - probably tens of thousands of them...

How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite

How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two most effective SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening (far more effective and safe than e.g. RF microneedling or HIFU). Depth of treatment depends on the type of ultrasound or RF equipment you use, the settings you apply and even the contact medium you apply on the skin. Power depends on the equipment you use and the settings you apply…

Dermal HypoDermal Junction (DHDJ) and cellulite

Dermal HypoDermal Junction (DHDJ) and cellulite

The Dermal HypoDermal Junction (DHDJ) is the border between the collagen-rich dermis (medium-depth skin layer) above and much fattier and less collagenous hypodermis (deepest skin layer) underneath. In people without cellulite, the DHDJ is a pretty straight line, denoting no fat infiltration from the hypodermis to the dermis that causes the familiar cellulite bumps. In people with cellulite, the DHDJ has a more “bumpy” appearance…

What are the optimum skin temperatures for radiofrequency treatment?

What are the optimum skin temperatures for radiofrequency treatment?

Radiofrequency is based on deep heating different skin tissue layers, depending on the therapeutic outcome sought. As we cannot measure temperature inside our clients skin, we assess the intensity of RF treatment by measuring skin surface temperature. Depending on the machine used, settings applied, individual skin anatomy and even the treatment skin product utilised, a superficial temperature of e.g. 38°C can denote anything between 34°C to 42°C in different tissues…

How to specifically treat superficial cellulite with radiofrequency

How to specifically treat superficial cellulite with radiofrequency

There are three types of cellulite, depending on tissue depth, and superficial cellulite “lives” in the superficial hypodermis. There is widespread confusion regarding cellulite, the hypodermis and subcutaneous tissue and their depths in the scientific literature - not to mention general information that you can find on the web…