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Ultrasonic cavitation for cellulite: how does it work?

Does ultrasonic cavitation work?

  • Deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation: the best treatment available today for cellulite removal

  • What is ultrasound cavitation therapy?

  • How does ultrasound cavitation treatment work?

  • Cavitation for cellulite: summary of action

  • Safe, gradual process, not an instant miracle

  • Can I get rid of my fat with cavitation?

  • Cavitation, radiofrequency and cellulite removal

  • Are results long-lasting?

  • Have a cellulite treatment in London with the cellulite experts

  • Discover our professional training in cellulite, skin tightening, radiofrequency and ultrasound

Deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation: the best technology available today for cellulite removal

It is widely accepted today that high-power, low-frequency ultrasound treatment represents one of the few effective methods of cellulite reduction and, to a limited extent, subcutaneous fat reduction too.

It often provides good results on its own, if the right equipment is used with the right protocols, and even better results when combined with high-power, deep-tissue radio frequency.

What is ultrasound cavitation treatment?

Ultrasound is high frequency sound.

If ultrasound of a specific frequency and power is applied on the skin, it can create microscopic vacuum bubbles in the hypodermal adipose tissue (what we call “cellulite”) or subcutaneous adipose tissue (what we call “fat”).

These “bubbles” first increase in size and then collapse and this is what we refer to as ‘cavitation’: the collapsing of cavities / bubbles.

How does ultrasound cavitation treatment work?

  • Ultrasonic cavitation disrupts fat cell membranes, which results in the release of stored fat into the interstitial fluid around the fat cell. The triglycerides (fat) released are then taken up by the lymphatic and blood vessels and distributed throughout the body, where it can be oxidised (burned) for energy.*

  • As the fat membrane is disrupted/broken and fat is spilled out of the fat cell, the fat cell itself enters apoptosis (dies off).

  • On the other hand, nearby cells, such as fibroblasts (collagen cells) do not get affected negatively by the ultrasound - in contrast they actually benefit from the stimulus provided by it. This stimulation leads to sightly increased collagen and elastin synthesis.

  • Fibrosis (scar tissue inside the skin and an important aspect of cellulite) is also known to be reduced by ultrasound, due to the action of intense micro-massage in the connective tissues

  • Finally, ultrasound cavitation has a positive effect on microcirculation on the area treated

Cavitation for cellulite: summary of action

In summary, ultrasound assists with cellulite removal in four different ways:

  • Cellulite fat reduction

  • Mild skin firming

  • Fibrosis reduction

  • Circulation improvement

(* Of course, nobody urinates the released fat, neither fat is “melted” or “burned” there and then, in the fat tissue, as some aesthetic practitioners falsely claim. And by the way, no fat clogs your liver, as other ignorant “experts” claim. To put it simply, the fat released by a single cavitation session is a fraction of what you put in your body with a Big Mac and fries.)

Safe, gradual process, not an instant miracle

This sounds all very impressive and one would be carried away to think that ultrasonic cavitation is an instant “cure” for cellulite and/or fat reduction. However, the process is gradual, not instant, if it is to be applied safely.

So even with the best high-power equipment, power and application time are limited to ensure safety as well as efficacy. This means that a course of 6-12 treatments is recommended, as opposed to the 1-4 session miracles many people believe in and many clinics advertise (a super-powerful one-session miracle treatment would cause more damage than harm).

On the other hand, in many cases the problem is not too high power but too low power, which means less or no results.

As with everything in life, balance is the key, i.e. using optimum power (not too high, not too low) applied skilfully and safely.

Can I get rid of my fat with cavitation?

Because of the limits described above, ultrasound cavitation cannot be used to break down large fat deposits (subcutaneous adipose tissue) non-surgically, as this would take a very large number of very long sessions.

Shaving off some fat off small fat deposits though (2-3mm), is feasible.

To be honest, after two decades in the industry I have not yet seen any efficient non-surgical fat removal method yet.

The only thing that works for fat reduction, SOMETIMES and ONLY ON THE STOMACH AND WAIST, is cryolipolysis (fat freezing). Bur that technique has its own problems, including frequent adverse reactions.

Cavitation, radiofrequency and cellulite removal

Cellulite, on the other hand, contains a fraction of the fat that subcutaneous adipose tissue does, so ultrasound is both effective and efficient for cellulite removal.

High-power, deep-acting radiofrequency is the only other anti-cellulite method that is also safe and effective in cellulite reduction and also THE best skin tightening method.

And because at the clinic we obviously want to offer the best to our clients, we either combine high-power, deep-tissue cavitation with high-power, deep-tissue radiofrequency or quite often we just use cavitation on its own (the reason for that is a subject for a whole new article).

And as is the case with cavitation, low-power radiofrequency or superficially-acting radiofrequency will not provide good results. So again, the key is high-power, skilful application and balance - not too high power, not too low.

Are results long-lasting?

The cellulite reduction effects of ultrasound cavitation are long-lasting if you follow a healthy diet and exercise regime. On the other hand, it is very easy to deposit new fat again in your hypodermis (cellulite skin layer) if you overeat, drink too much alcohol and/or stay very inactive.

So use your course of treatments as a stimulus for life-long lifestyle change, not only for a quick result before holidays.

Have a cellulite treatment in London with the cellulite experts

At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening and cellulite reduction for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.

This is all we study and practise every day and have researched and tried hands-on all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers.

As strong, deep acting radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the technologies of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF/ultrasound technologies in the world.

Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced RF and cavitation treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.

Our radiofrequency/ultrasound treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.

And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service, with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite, skin laxity or fibrosis, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1)

Discover our professional training in cellulite, skin tightening, radiofrequency and ultrasound

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening?

Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible.

Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.