A client asked me a few days ago if this “advice”, given to her by a complementary health practitioner, is true: “You should not do any other exercise than Pilates, otherwise you will inflame your body”. This, of course, is an absolutely preposterous statement which goes against all common sense. You can only imagine the millions of inflamed athletes - or just billions of inflamed active common people - since the dawn of humanity all the way until the 1920s, when Joseph Pilates developed a method of exercise that would not inflame the human body…
Cellulite exercise | How to get rid of cellulite
At the time of updating this article (February 2023) Google returned 3.7 million pages for the query “cellulite exercises”, volunteering “helpful suggestions” such as curtsy lunges, lateral lunges, glute bridges and squat jumps. But do these exercises work? Can you get rid of - or at least reduce - cellulite with specific exercises? Here we present the ultimate “exercise for cellulite” guide. Honest and straight to the point, without clichés or even dangerous misinformation that you find all over the internet. Just science-based, actionable information.