Massage for cellulite: does it work? There are many different types of cellulite massage (e.g. manual lymphatic drainage massage, deep tissue, body brushing, fascia massage, home cellulite massagers, cupping, vacuum massage , vibration etc). But do cellulite massages work? And of those that actually work which are the most efficient?
What is the best cellulite treatment? [2025 edition]
A list of the most effective cellulite treatments - in real life, not in the virtual reality of social media
As most women know by experience, most cellulite treatments simply do not work. And when we say they don't work, we mean that they either do not work at all or that they offer so poor results that you would need 20, 30 or 50 sessions to be happy with the results. Here we will review the best treatments, according to effectiveness (more effective treatments are presented first, ineffective treatments are presented last)…
Can I reduce lipedema with RF, cavitation or RF microneedling?
This is a very valid question asked by so many people in the lipedema community. However, the fact of the matter is that there is no good non-surgical treatment - be it radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, acoustic wave therapy, RF microneedling, HIFU, massage, red/infrared light therapy or pressotherapy. None of those non-surgical techniques or any other reduces lipedema and currently the only good solution for lipedema is surgery. Sure, exercise and healthy nutrition…