Thousands of pages can be filled with information about the theory and practice of skin tightening but it all boils down to six crucial points: plenty of protein; impactful physical activity; polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin C; deep-acting, high-power radio frequency; no crash dieting / yoyo dieting; no sugar, smoking or fried food. Now let’s examine these six points in more detail…
Toxic air fryers, cellulite and skin aging
Air fryers are now the third most-used appliance in UK kitchens after toasters and microwave ovens - and well ahead of conventional ovens. Air fryers owe their popularity to their promise of making fried food but without the excess oil. Enjoying crispy fried food but without the oil? What not to like, right? Sure, air fried food is better than normal oil fried too - no question about that. But there are lot of things not to like about the air fryer craze...
Cellulite, luxury living and the champagne lifestyle
Beer and fish and chips vs refined restaurants and expensive cocktails. What do these two things have in common? Calories and alcohol, of course. In the last 20 years that we have specialised in cellulite, we have seen so many champagne-sipping people, who had literally thousands of evenings of refined dining…
Cellulite and the takeaway culture
“Don’t cook, just eat”, goes the motto of food delivery app Just Eat. Deliveroo and Uber Eats preach a similar philosophy: why bother to cook, when you can outsource your food? Obviously things are not so simple. Takeaway food is not cooked in a ‘Green Pan’ with a £50-a-kilo extra virgin Toscano olive oil, coming out of a cute glass bottle…