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free radical damage

How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.

How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.

This is one of the most common questions we are asked: “What are the best foods to fights cellulite?”. To which the instant answer is: “Above all else, have as many low calorie, high fibre, high polyphenol/carotenoid foods as you can”. But why is that? Low in calories: no need to discuss this more, it’s pretty obvious. High in fibre: because they fill you up without calories and prevent you from consuming too much fat/carbs; and because they help balance your gut microbiota (i.e. boost the good bacteria in your gut), which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can indirectly prevent water retention. High in polyphenol/carotenoids (what some people would identify as “antioxidants”): because most carotenoids and polyphenols have a multi-prong anti-cellulite effect…

How fried food causes cellulite, aging and skin looseness

How fried food causes cellulite, aging and skin looseness

When to comes to cellulite, skin looseness and even overall health, fried food is one of the worst type of foods you can possibly put in your mouth. Fried oils/fats are damaged fats which accumulate in cell membranes, causing chronic, low-grade, whole-body inflammation and damage to all organs and tissues in the whole body, including blood vessels and skin.

Caffeine, thermogenesis, weight loss and cellulite

Caffeine, thermogenesis, weight loss and cellulite

A study has recently reported that coffee could help you lose fat by kickstarting a process called thermogenesis in humans. Thermogenesis is basically the process of burning fat in one of two special types of fat tissue called ‘brown fat’ and ‘beige fat’. But what is brown fat and what in God’s name is beige fat? And did you know that there is also a thing called white fat?