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How does infrared / red light therapy work?

How does infrared / red light therapy work?

Energy in every single cell of the human body is produced in specialised cell compartments called mitochondria. Mitochondria is where oxygen is utilised to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. If mitochondria malfunction then the whole cell malfunctions and underperforms. On the skin, this can lead to aesthetic problems (dull, irritated, inflamed or unhealthy skin). In other organs and tissues this can lead to a poorer state of health, lower energy levels, slower recovery from injuries etc…

Cellular senescence, due to high temperature cooking, causes skin aging and cellulite

Cellular senescence, due to high temperature cooking, causes skin aging and cellulite

Cigarette smoking and high temperature cooking of carbohydrates and fats leads to the creation of various chemicals detrimental to health, two of them being glyoxal and methylglyoxal (MGO). These chemicals eventually lead to the creation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs), which cause whole body ageing, whole body and facial skin ageing and cellulite…

Cellular senescence, skin ageing and cellulite

Cellular senescence, skin ageing and cellulite

Cellular senescence, literally meaning “cell aging”, is the process by which cells stop dividing and enter a senile stage characterised by dysfunction and the spreading of inflammation. Cellular senescence leads to the production of pro-inflammatory mediators that can spread inflammation to thousands of other cells in the vicinity of a group of senescent cells or even throughout the body. Cells normally enter cellular senescence after approximately 50 cell divisions (mitoses) and this normal process is known as "replicative senescence". When a cell enters senescence it is selected to be cleared by the immune system, in a process called senolysis…

The secret life of fat cells - 24 things you did not know about fat

The secret life of fat cells - 24 things you did not know about fat

As part of my focus on fat/cellulite reduction, I have been following the research on adipose tissue for more than two decades now and I am pleased to share these 24 very important yet very little-known facts about fat and fat cells with you…