Energy in every single cell of the human body is produced in specialised cell compartments called mitochondria. Mitochondria is where oxygen is utilised to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. If mitochondria malfunction then the whole cell malfunctions and underperforms. On the skin, this can lead to aesthetic problems (dull, irritated, inflamed or unhealthy skin). In other organs and tissues this can lead to a poorer state of health, lower energy levels, slower recovery from injuries etc…
Laser and red/infrared LED light therapy vs radiofrequency and cavitation for skin tightening and cellulite
Which is better for body skin tightening and cellulite: laser or radio frequency? Absolutely NOT laser. Laser is way too superficial and also pointless for skin tightening or cellulite. There are two types of lasers: strong, ablative, lasers aim to burn the surface of the skin to stimulate new epidermal growth. Cellulite, however, is found at the deepest layer of the skin (hypodermis), not the most superficial (epidermis), so ablative lasers do not work for cellulite at all…