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red light therapy vs infrared

Red light therapy vs infrared light therapy: what are the differences?

Red light therapy vs infrared light therapy: what are the differences?

Red light therapy (wavelengths of 620 to 750 nm) and near infrared light therapy (wavelengths of 800 to 2,500 nm) has become very popular the last few years for both aesthetic (anti-ageing, acne, hyperpigmentation, skin rejuvenation etc) and wellness (pain relief, sports injuries, back pain, seasonal affective disorder, burns, wound healing etc) applications. Many people wonder what is the main difference between red light and near infrared (NIR) light therapy and the answer is quite simple, as we will see below...

Laser vs red light LED vs infrared light LED vs radiofrequency for skin tightening and cellulite

Laser vs red light LED vs infrared light LED vs radiofrequency for skin tightening and cellulite

Which is better for body skin tightening and cellulite: laser or radio frequency? Absolutely NOT laser. Laser is way too superficial and also pointless for skin tightening or cellulite. There are two types of lasers: strong, ablative, lasers aim to burn the surface of the skin to stimulate new epidermal growth. Cellulite, however, is found at the deepest layer of the skin (hypodermis), not the most superficial (epidermis), so ablative lasers do not work for cellulite at all…