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omega-6 and cellulite

Hydrogenated fats / oils and cellulite

Hydrogenated fats / oils and cellulite

Hydrogenated fats/oils comprise one of the worst food groups you can put in your mouth. Also known as trans fatty acids or simply trans fats, hydrogenated oils are man-made fats that accumulate in cell and mitochondrial membranes in the entire body, displacing normal lipids…

Flax seed oil, anti-aging and cellulite

Flax seed oil, anti-aging and cellulite

In today’s Western world people consume not only too much saturated, hydrogenated or fried fats/oils, which are widely accepted as unhealthy. Such oils*, especially hydrogenated and fried fats/oils, are known to cause anything from heart disease to cancer to arthritis and of course overall aging, including skin aging and cellulite. Something which is generally unknown to most people is that we also consume too much omega-6 polyunsaturated oils, which are found literally everywhere: from processed foods, condiments, pastry and desserts to meat and chicken…