A diet that can help prevent or improve most or all of those changes, is the ideal cellulite diet. The diet components described below - always together with exercise / physical activity - address all seven facets of cellulite. As the same things that cause cellulite are also responsible for most whole body / skin ageing and degenerative diseases of the Western world, the ideal anti-cellulite diet is also the ideal healthy / anti-ageing diet…
Omega-3 fish oil vs omega 3-6-9 supplements for cellulite
Do seed oils cause cellulite?
Seeds mainly contain omega-6 fatty acids (mainly linoleic acid), of which the Western diet already contains too much, tipping the omega-3 : omega-6 fatty acid balance from an ideal 1:4 to an excessive 1:20. Excess omega-6 fatty acid consumption is known to contribute towards low grade inflammation, which is a contributing factor to cellulite Furthermore, like all oils and fats, seed oils (sunflower oil, corn oil, soy bean oil, horrid cottonseed oil etc) carry…