Cellulite and skin looseness affects both overweight and slim women, but it is generally worse in curvy/overweight women - and men. When we put on weight, skin stretches to accommodate the extra fat/volume. This also leads to the creation of stretch marks. Skin does not look so loose when we are still overweight, as the extra volume keeps skin taut. For the same reason stretch marks do not look as pronounced either. When we lose weight skin looks looser and stretch marks look more pronounced…
Cellulite vs fat vs lipedema: is it all "just fat"?
Subcutaneous adipose tissue is a distinct fat tissue UNDER the skin. This is the fat that can be removed by liposuction. Cellulite is a totally different thing. It is not fat under the skin, it is fat INSIDE the skin and it is, of course, found ABOVE the subcutaneous adipose tissue. As it is part of the skin, it can obviously not be removed by liposuction…