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How to get rid of fat cells, permanently?

Getting rid of ALL fat cells in a specific body area, FOREVER? Doesn’t exist, despite what you were told, sorry.

  • Getting rid of ALL fat cells in a specific body area, FOREVER? Doesn’t exist, despite what you were told, sorry.

  • New fat cells can be “born” any time, anywhere in the body

  • And existing fat cells can grow up to 3,000 times their normal volume

  • It’s about reducing fat cell size and number and then it’s about maintenance

  • “This treatments kills ALL fat cells, forever”?

  • About surgical and non-surgical fat reduction, and cellulite fat reduction

  • Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

“This treatment will eliminate ALL your fat cells forever and they will never regrow again in that body area”

I understand if a beauty therapist makes statements about “permanent fat elimination that will never grow again”, but if a cosmetic doctor does so, they are":

  • Either lying

  • Or they need to open a book about adipose tissue published after the 1990s

It’s 2023 now and such ignorance is utterly unacceptable.

Firstly, no technique (not even liposuction surgery) can ever eliminate ALL fat cells from a specific area of the body. This is practically impossible.

New fat cells can be “born” any time, anywhere in the body

Furthermore, even if that was practically possible to be achieved, it would be a hollow victory, as adipocytes can be differentiated from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) at any given time if enough lipogenic stimulus (triglycerides, insulin etc) exists in the blood stream.

And existing fat cells can grow up to 3,000 times their normal volume

In plain English, if in the future more calories are ingested than expended, i.e. if you overeat and/or if you are too sedentary…

  • New fat cells can grow out of stem cells, loads of them, no problem, thank you very much

  • Those newly grown fat cells, as well as existing fat cells that have not been removed by the amazing super-duper all-fat-killing miracle technique, can grow more than 3,000 times their normal volume

Long story short, it is not about “removing ALL the fat cells”. And definitely not FOREVER. This is BS.

It’s about reducing fat cell size and number and then it’s about maintenance

With a good treatment it is all about reducing fat cell size and fat cell numbers CONSIDERABLY, to achieve the desired effect.

And then it’s all about maintenance, with a healthy lifestyle and perhaps a top-up treatment every 1-2 months - or a top-up course of treatments every 1-2 years.

This is the reality, as opposed to marketing nonsense.

“This treatments kills ALL fat cells, forever”?

So next time you read - or you are told about a “treatments that kills ALL fat cells forever”, tell them to open a book published after 1990 or stop lying - whichever of the two applies.

Enough of the misinformation in the aesthetic industry.

About surgical and non-surgical fat reduction, and cellulite fat reduction

  • Subcutaneous adipose tissue (what people call ‘fat’ and what gives us volume) can be removed by about 80% max, with liposuction. For most people this is absolutely fine.

  • Non-surgical fat reduction (non-surgical subcutaneous adipose tissue reduction) treatments are generally inefficient and/or problematic, with effectiveness rates of 10-20%. For all people this is unacceptable.

  • Perhaps the only thing that works for non-surgical subcutaneous adipose tissue reduction is cryolipolysis, which works only on the stomach/waist, only 50% of the time and removes only 20-25% of the fat in that one area. For many people this is OK, for some it is not.

  • Cryolipolysis on the arms and legs has a 10-20% effectiveness rate. For all people this is unacceptable.

  • Hypodermal adipose tissue reduction (cellulite fat reduction) is much more effective. than subcutaneous fat reduction, as it is much more superficial and thereby accessible. With a good treatment (I know, very rare to find good ones) you can achieve about 60% of cellulite fat reduction, max. For most people this is absolutely fine.

  • Of course, tales of “100% cellulite fat reduction, forever” are just that, tales, as this article explains.

This is the real reality on the ground, away from the virtual reality of marketers and salespeople:

  • You cannot remove neither all fat cells nor forever

  • However, you can remove a substantial amount of them with treatments, diet/exercise or surgery

  • After which you will need to follow a healthy lifestyle, to prevent new fat cells from “being born” (adipocyte differentiation) and existing fat cells from expanding (adipocyte hypertrophy)

Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening? Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible. Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.