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BPA, microplastics, forever chemicals and cellulite

Drink in a can? Olive oil in a tin bottle? Wine from a bag? Cooking in a PFAS pan or air-fryer? Enjoy the BPA, the forever chemicals, the hormonal imbalances - and skin ageing and cellulite too

  • BPA and other xenoestrogens / endocrine disrupting chemicals from microplastics / nanoplastics: the major cause of skin aging and cellulite that no one is talking about

  • All plastic food and aluminium containers contain nanoplastics. And ‘BPA-free’ does not mean much…

  • What are those toxins that cause cellulite everyone is talking about? It definitely ain’t caffeine, that’s for sure.

  • Canned drinks and tinned food vs skin aging and cellulite

  • Cola/soda drinks in plastic bottles vs aging and cellulite

  • Wine in a can / plastic bag in a carton? Bad for cellulite and bad for your taste buds too.

  • Olive oil in tin/plastic containers vs aging and cellulite

  • ‘Sous vide’ cooking, microplastics vs aging and cellulite

  • “Roast in a bag” cooking vs aging and cellulite

  • Microwaveable veggies in a bag vs aging and cellulite

  • Cling film, especially for marinades, which are generally acidic vs aging and cellulite

  • Aluminium foil, aging and cellulite

  • Milk in cartons, aging and cellulite

  • Espresso coffee in capsules, aging and cellulite

  • Water in plastic bottles, aging and cellulite

  • Heating food in a plastic container, aging and cellulite

  • Polycarbonate or other BPA-containing water water bottles vs aging and cellulite

  • Drinking coffee out of a paper cup, aging and cellulite

  • Cooking in pan lined with non-stick ‘forever chemicals’, aging and cellulite

  • Air fryers coated with plastic / forever chemicals, aging and cellulite

  • Rice cookers coated with plastic / forever chemicals and cellulite

  • Not a surprise that degenerative disease and cellulite are on the increase these days

  • Further reading

  • Avoid silly advice by tiktok doctors about forever chemicals and microplastics

  • Have a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the experts

  • Advanced, infrared / red light therapy treatments in London at LipoTherapeia

  • Discover our professional training in cellulite, skin tightening, radiofrequency and ultrasound

BPA and other xenoestrogens / endocrine disrupting chemicals from microplastics / nanoplastics: the major cause of skin aging and cellulite that no one is talking about

Do you want smooth, cellulite-free legs?

One of the simplest things you can do is to detoxify your life from endocrine disrupting chemicals, xenoestrogens, phthalates and BPA, found in plastics.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), especially xenoestrogens (i.e. artificial, alien to the body estrogens), are found in nanoplastics* and can/tin liners*.

These artificial estrogens mimic natural estrogen by attaching to the estrogen receptor of adipocytes (fat cells) and other body cells and comprise a major risk factor for not just cellulite, but also whole body health conditions, including cancer.

The reason cellulite mainly affects women is due to the effect of estrogen on adipocyte estrogen receptors: it stimulates adipocyte proliferation (creation of more fat cells).

Xenoestrogens have all the negative effects of estrogen, without any of the positive ones - hence their disease-causing action.

So for smoother, healthier legs give up BPA (aka as bisphenol A), its chemical cousin BPS (bisphenol S), phthalates and similar endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Practically this means avoiding all plastics in your food/drink supply, including hidden ones in carton, tin and can lining.

* All plastic food and aluminium containers contain nanoplastics. And ‘BPA-free’ does not mean much…

All plastic objects leach some amount of microplastics and nanoplastics, especially as time goes by. All food containers of all kinds leach such smaller plastic fragments into food, both immediately after being filled and as time goes by.

Food consumed from:

  • plastic containers, especially drinks (especially hot or acidic drinks)

  • or from aluminium containers (all aluminium containers are lined with a plastic resin layer)

…ALWAYS contains nanoplastics, in smaller or larger amounts.

These end up in our ovaries, breasts, prostate, testes, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, semen, milk and of, course, adipose tissue too.

And let’s not be fooled by the BPA-free nonsense: no nanoplastic in our arteries is good for our body, including our fat tissue.

What are those cellulite-causing toxins that everyone is talking about? It definitely ain’t caffeine, that’s for sure.

Do toxins cause cellulite? Absolutely. However, it not the caffeine or the bubbles in your fizzy drink beauty writers keep telling you about online and offline.

It is an absolute scandal that no one in the shallow glossy magazines, tabloids, beauty blogs, instagram and tiktok, or even doctors and dermatologists, ever mentions endocrine disrupting chemicals/xenoestrogens from phthalates, BPA and microplastics, which are already a major cause of cellulite today and set to be even more important in the decades to come.

Yes, it is out of sheer ignorance about the nature of cellulite, not out of conspiracy, but it’s still a scandal.

All that “beauty experts” talk about is things like caffeine and carbon dioxide in fizzy drinks, as causes of cellulite, which even actually aren’t causes of cellulite.

Yes, there is constant talk of “cellulite is toxins inside the skin” (in fact cellulite isn’t even “toxins” itself, it is - only partially - the result of toxins).

However, no one ever mentions what the most important of these toxins are: namely xenoestrogens from plastics and hormonal contraception (pill, injections, patches etc), which no one ever tells you about.

Read our comprehensive guide about them below.

Canned drinks and tinned food vs skin ageing and cellulite

All tinned / canned food, especially acidic drinks (such as cola/soda in cans) and acidic foods (such as chopped tomatoes or pineapple in a can), readily leach BPA, BPS and other EDCs into the drink or food.

Canned energy drinks, canned coffee drinks, canned refreshments are all contaminated with nanoplastics from resin plastic lining in their aluminium containers.

Always buy drinks and food in glass, not in a tin/can.

Cola/soda drinks in plastic bottles and cellulite

Drinks in plastic bottles, especially acidic drinks - such as cola and other soda drinks - are a major source of nanoplastics and BPA, and consequently a major cause of degenerative disease, overall ageing cellulite.

Again, always buy drinks and food in glass, not in a plastic bottle.

Wine in a can / plastic bag in a carton? Bad for cellulite and bad for your taste buds too.

Of course, drinking those horrible wines in a can is really stupid, both in terms of taste and in terms of drinking BPA diluted into your wine and going straight into your thighs (and breast and ovaries and other organs).

The same applies to those cheap 4-litre wines in a carton (bag in a box), where the wine is contained in a plastic bag. Abominable wine, abominably bad container for your health and your thighs.

Always drink wine packed in a glass bottle.

Olive oil in tin/plastic containers, ageing and cellulite

Similar to the comment on the wine above, it is downright stupid to buy a super-expensive £30/500ml extra virgin olive oil in a tin with BPA-laden plastic lining (they all come with BPA or similar chemical lining), especially given that BPA is a fat-soluble toxin which readily leaches into the olive oil.

It is fashionable these days to bottle expensive olive oil in tins decorated with amazing designs. However, it becomes unsavoury if you consider that you eat nanoplastics diluted in your super-expensive olive oil. Seriously stupid.

And of course, the “organic” designation applies to the oil, not to the tin. Buying expensive, organic olive oil does not protect you from the tin, as there is no tin without a BPA/other plastic resin lining.

The same applies to olive oil in a plastic bottle. EDCs from plastic packaging are fat soluble and leach into the oil.

So always always buy your olive oil in a glass bottle, not in a plastic bottle.

This applies to all oils, of course, not just olive oil.

OK, I understand that cheap frying oil by definition comes in a plastic bottle. Well, don’t use cheap frying oil in the first place and don’t fry your food either, as it also causes cellulite - and several health conditions too - as I am sure you already know.

‘Sous vide’ cooking, microplastics and cellulite

What a horrible idea, to overheat plastic at 100ºC around an expensive beef fillet, so that the fillet absorbs the maximum amount of microplastics/nanoplastics, due to the high temperature.

Disgusting for whole body health - not just for your thighs and bum.

Sure, fillet cooked ‘sous vide’ in microplastics is so soft that it melts away - just like the skin on your thighs will, if you keep ingesting endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Never sous vide your food. Cook your expensive filet the good old fashioned way. Taste will still be good and you will avoid eating microplastics.

“Roast in a bag” cooking and cellulite

This is probably even worse than sous vide - if that is even possible - due to the even higher temperature in the oven (up to 250ºC), which ensures microplastics get stuck on your chicken. Horrid.

Just use a pyrex or an enamel casserole dish.

Microwaveable vegetables in a bag and cellulite

These are as bad as “roast in a bag”.

Don’t pollute your body, just put the veggies in a pyrex and cook the food without the bag.

Cling film and cellulite

Thankfully most - but not all - people know these days that they should not put cling film over food, especially for acidic marinades.

To reiterate, most marinades are acidic, and acidic foods readily absorb microplastics and EDCs, such as BPA.

Marinade your food like people used to marinate for millennia - without cling film.

Aluminium foil and cellulite

Aluminium foil, especially when applied on top of food in the oven, constantly rains down foil lining EDC particles onto your food, throughout cooking.

Not very wise.

Just use a covered pyrex, stainless steel or enamel casserole dish and your food will turn out just fine.

Milk in cartons and cellulite

Obviously cartons are not made from paper only - they contain a plastic lining inside, which easily leaches chemicals into your milk.

Prefer glass, or at the very least plain plastic, which is more stable and less questionable than the milk carton lining.

Espresso coffee in capsules and cellulite

These are usually lined internally with a plastic lining or they are themselves made of plastic.

It is not very smart to subject your high-pressure, high-temperature, acidic espresso into contact with a plastic capsule or (even worse) with the plastic lining of an aluminium capsule.

Even those who supposedly do not contain BPA/BPS, still contain some other plastic lining, which will end up in your coffee, your fat cells, your breast cells, your ovary cells and - for men - your testicles and prostate gland. Not a good idea.

Espresso machines with a stainless steel chamber cost the same as capsule machines, coffee is cheaper too, it takes just a few more seconds to make real espresso and does not fill your body, your thighs and the world with plastic junk and endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Lately, some biodegradable espresso capsules have become available. Not much is known about the chemicals used for those capsules, even if they are truly biodegradable. So I would still go for an espresso machine with a stainless steel chamber - it is both cheaper and you can control the quality of your coffee better.

Make espresso in a stainless steel espresso machine and enjoy real coffee without endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Water in plastic bottles and cellulite

This is yet another microplastic disaster for both your body and the environment.

Not much needs to be said other than with every sip you take you ingest microplastics.

Drink from a glass/stainless steel bottle or ceramic lined (NOT resin coated) aluminium container.

Reheating food in a plastic container and cellulite

Heat makes it much easier for microplastics and EDCs to be diluted into your food, so never heat food in any type of plastic container.

Reheat in a stainless steel or enamel lined metal container (stove, oven) or in a pyrex dish (oven, microwave).

Polycarbonate or other BPA-containing water water bottles, aging and cellulite

Polycarbonate is a known source of BPA.

Just recycle such containers and buy glass, stainless steel or other containers made/lined with inert materials, such as ceramic coating.

Drinking coffee out of a paper cup cellulite

Just like milk cartons, paper cups contain plastic lining.

Using a disposable paper cup, in addition to leaching chemicals into your coffee, also happens to be an environmental disaster.

Plastic coffee mug alternatives are also not great for either the planet or your thighs.

Just use a glass or stainless steel coffee mug or aluminium lined with ceramic coating.

Cooking in pans/pots lined with non-stick ‘forever chemicals’ and cellulite

Obviously, cooking in a pan/pot lined with forever chemical non-stick lining (known as PFAS, which include PFOA, PFOS, PTFE, teflon etc) is a definite no-no if you care about the planet, your body or your thighs.

These days there are excellent ceramic coated or cast iron pans and pots which do not leach fluoropolymers into your body. Plus there are stainless steel ones, which although they are not non-stick they can easily be cleaned after cooking.

Air fryers coated with plastic / forever chemicals and cellulite

Using air-fryers where food is surrounded by (or worse, comes in direct contact with) plastics or forever chemicals is a crime against your body.

Furthermore, air fryers still cook food at very high temperatures, which is not that great for your skin and overall health, even when lined with ceramic or stainless steel.

Forget silly and unhealthy air-fryers, low temperature cooking, with some water at least, in a stainless steel / ceramic vessel is far better.

Rice cookers coated with plastic / forever chemicals and cellulite

The exact same comments made for air-fryers apply to rice cookers.

Get rid of your plastic / PFAS coated ones once and for all.

And choose ceramic coated or stainless steel.

Not a surprise that cellulite is on the increase these days

After reading the above list it should come as no surprise that cellulite (and cancer) is on the increase these days. We are daily bombarded with cellulite and cancer causing chemicals in our food and water supply.

In fact, EDCs, such as forever chemicals and plastics, are set to be one of the the most important causes of cellulite, hormonal imbalances, infertility and cancer in the next few years and decades.

It is almost impossible to escape completely but all we can do is do our best to avoid microplastics, forever chemicals and others EDCs with the choices we make every day.

So if you don’t care about cellulite, at least please care about your health and start saying no to plastics and plastic lined containers in your food/water supply and forever chemicals in your cooking utensils and devices.

Further reading

Avoid silly advice by tiktok doctors about forever chemicals and microplastics

After reading a small sample of the above articles you will realise how ridiculous “advice” given by some tiktok doctors sounds.

With such timeless gems such as this, given by medical professionals no less, it is no wonder that young people’s cancers - which have nothing to do with increased cancer rates in an ageing population - are through the roof.

According to such ill thought advice, forever chemicals and microplastics never leach into our food, unless we eat the cooking utensil lining itself. And even if they leach into your food, microplastics and forever chemicals also rain down from the Andromeda galaxy right onto our plate, so what difference does it make? Read this ridiculous doctor’s advice:

“Fun fact, every time you sit down to eat microplastics fall from the air and land in your food, or are already part of your food. This is only really an issue if the air fryer is damaged. As long as you don't plan on eating the lining of your air fryer you will be fine.”

(Ha ha, very funny. And amazing logical argument too. Are you sure you are a “doctor”?)

Instead of advising the public to - if possible - get rid of their carpets and clothes made with plastic fibres that come with forever chemical coating, a “doctor” advises them to just accept that those fibres will rain on people’s food forever and that’s the way it is.

And instead of advising people to avoid food - and especially drinks - contained in plastic containers, they advise people that microplastics are already in everyone’s food and drink and they should just accept that they will ingest microplastics forever, anyway, so what difference even more microplastics and forever chemicals from a utensil coating can make, right?


To restore our faith in science, below is an article written by real scientists and health professionals. When reading such articles, the fallacy of shallow “experts” and their irresponsible arguments becomes fully exposed.

Early-onset cancers: biological bases and clinical implications

  • Research paper link:

  • Abstract: Since the nineties, the incidence of sporadic early-onset (EO) cancers has been rising worldwide. The underlying reasons are still unknown. However, identifying them is vital for advancing both prevention and intervention. Here, we exploit available knowledge derived from clinical observations to formulate testable hypotheses aimed at defining the causal factors of this epidemic and discuss how to experimentally test them. We explore the potential impact of exposome changes from the millennials to contemporary young generations, considering both environmental exposures and enhanced susceptibilities to EO-cancer development. We emphasize how establishing the time required for an EO cancer to develop is relevant to defining future screening strategies. Finally, we discuss the importance of integrating multi-dimensional data from international collaborations to generate comprehensive knowledge and translate these findings back into clinical practice.

Have a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the experts

At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening and cellulite reduction for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.

This is all we study and practise every day and have researched and tried hands-on all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers.

As strong, deep acting radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the technologies of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF/ultrasound technologies in the world.

Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced RF and cavitation treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.

And for even better, faster results, we now combine our RF/ultrasound treatments with high-power red/infrared light LED treatment.

Our radiofrequency/ultrasound/LED treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.

And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service, with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite, skin laxity or fibrosis, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1).

Advanced, infrared / red light therapy treatments in London at LipoTherapeia

At LipoTherapeia we are passionate about phototherapy (also known as photobiomodulation/PBM, red light therapy, infrared light therapy, blue light therapy, LED light therapy etc) and we use the most powerful equipment available today (up to 240mW/cm2), for best results and treatment of large body areas.

We use specialised therapy protocols for skin rejuvenation / anti-ageing, pigmentation / post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), moderate/severe acne, skin redness, sensitive/inflamed/irritated skin, wound healing, sports injuries / musculoskeletal pain and overall wellness / well-being.

Our LED phototherapy sessions are comfortable, deeply relaxing and super-safe and are great to enhance our radiofrequency/ultrasound treatments for skin tightening / cellulite reduction.

On our booking page you can book stand-alone phototherapy sessions or combine them with our other treatments, as an add-on.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert LED phototherapy treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1).

Discover our professional training in cellulite, skin tightening, radiofrequency and ultrasound

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening?

Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible.

Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1)