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Does red LED boost collagen?

Does red light therapy boost collagen and elastin?

Discover our high-power LED phototherapy treatments in London, based on the best LED phototherapy technology in the world and advanced treatment protocols, for best results, naturally

Both red and near infrared LED light boost collagen - and elastin - synthesis

Both red (around 630nm) and near infrared (around 830nm) LED light stimulate mitochondrial function on all cells, including fibroblasts, which are the collagen and elastin producing cells in the skin, tendons, ligaments and other tissues (hence the use of infrared LED phototherapy in sports injuries / back pain).

So, yes, by improving mitochondrial and cell function in skin fibroblasts, red and near infrared LED light does boost both collagen and elastin synthesis, for firmer and more elastic skin, respectively.

In fact, infrared light is more effective, as it can penetrate into the dermis better than red light.

With high-power infrared/red LED phototherapy (i.e. at light intensities of about 60-120mW/cm2) results are more pronounced. With lower light intensities results are more subtle or take longer to materialise.

With very low intensities and/or when the wrong red/infrared wavelengths are used, results can be negligible.

Radiofrequency combined with red/infrared light therapy for maximum collagen production

Still, red/infrared LED therapy is not as effective as deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency, which is the golden standard for SAFE and effective collagen and elastin production and consequent skin tightening and lifting.

However, it is quite difficult to find a clinic to do proper deep tissue radiofrequency safely, so red/infrared light therapy is a great way to boost collagen in a pleasant, relaxing and safe way at a larger variety of clinics.

Just make sure you use a clinic with high-end equipment with well trained therapists, for both effectiveness and safety.

Even better, radiofrequency and phototherapy can be combined for maximum results, as - by boosting mitochondrial function - LED light therapy actually enhances the results of radiofrequency.

At our clinic we always combine radiofrequency with LED phototherapy and we also offer stand-alone LED light therapy, to suit different clients’ needs.

Advanced, infrared / blue / red light therapy treatments in London at LipoTherapeia

At LipoTherapeia we are passionate about phototherapy (also known as photobiomodulation/PBM, red light therapy, infrared light therapy, blue light therapy, LED light therapy etc) and we use the most powerful equipment available today (up to 240mW/cm2), for best results and treatment of large body areas.

We use specialised therapy protocols for skin rejuvenation / anti-ageing, pigmentation / post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), moderate/severe acne, skin redness, sensitive/inflamed/irritated skin, wound healing, sports injuries / musculoskeletal pain and overall wellness / well-being.

Our LED phototherapy sessions are comfortable, deeply relaxing and super-safe and are great to enhance our radiofrequency/ultrasound treatments for skin tightening / cellulite reduction.

On our booking page you can book stand-alone phototherapy sessions or combine them with our other treatments, as an add-on.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert LED phototherapy treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1).

Have a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the experts

At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening and cellulite reduction for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.

This is all we study and practise every day and have researched and tried hands-on all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers.

As strong, deep acting radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the technologies of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF/ultrasound technologies in the world.

Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced RF and cavitation treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.

And for even better, faster results, we now combine our RF/ultrasound treatments with high-power red/infrared light LED treatment.

Our radiofrequency/ultrasound/LED treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.

And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service, with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite, skin laxity or fibrosis, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1).

The Cellulite School™: Get advanced training in cellulite reduction and skin tightening

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening?

Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible.

Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.

Learn more or check prices and book training at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1)