infrared light therapy anti-aging

Is red light therapy real or fake?

Is red light therapy real or fake?

Red light therapy, as well as infrared and blue light therapy, is becoming ever more popular. With this popularity hundreds of LED red light therapy devices have appeared on the market and with all the miracle claims, the internet, tiktok and instagram misinformation and the confusion, a lot of people understandably question whether red light therapy is legit or not. To put it very shortly, properly applied red light therapy - as well as blue and infrared light therapy - are real…

How often should I do LED on my face?

How often should I do LED on my face?

How often you can have LED treatment on your face - or any other body area - depends on the device’s light intensity. The higher the intensity the less often you should have treatment and vice versa. As with everything else in life a little more is good but a lot more is usually bad - and that applies to LED treatment too. LED treatment may be almost side-effect free but…