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One leg bigger than the other? More cellulite on one leg? Learn why this is the case and how to even them up.

More cellulite/fat on one thigh than the other

Experience LipoTherapeia® Plus, the most advanced cellulite treatment In London, based on three cutting edge technologies and more than two decades of experience and 20,000+ cellulite sessions

  • One thigh bigger than the other? More cellulite/fat on one thigh/buttock?

  • Why is one leg bigger than the other? Why do I have more cellulite on one leg?

  • One thigh fatter than the other? Asymmetry is common.

  • Does crossing your legs cause cellulite? You bet it does.

  • More cellulite on the right leg? one leg bigger than the other, especially the right one? Don’t worry, this the “norm”.

  • Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage hindered

  • The solutions to this problem are simple

  • Lymphoedema can also cause enlargement of one leg only

One thigh bigger than the other? More cellulite/fat on one thigh/buttock?

  • Asymmetry is normal on the human body, due to genetic or developmental reasons

  • In women, usually the right thigh is bigger than the left and has more cellulite too

  • The way we stand and cross our legs is important

  • You can reduce cellulite more on one side by having deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation treatments specifically on that side

Full analysis follows below.

Why is one leg bigger than the other? Why do I have more cellulite on one leg?

These are very common questions at our clinic.

Most of our clients have a bigger thigh and a smaller thigh, with the bigger thigh always having more cellulite too. It is a common thing, but people cannot stop wondering why that is.

There is a simple reason why that is the case for more women, which I am presenting below.

One thigh fatter than the other? Asymmetry is common.

Few people are absolutely symmetrical, either on the face or body.

Most people are asymmetrical for various reasons and in many women cellulite, water retention and deep fat levels are worse on one leg than on the other.

In the last two decades we have seen literally thousands of women and usually the right thigh and buttock is bigger in most women.

But why specifically the right side?

Does crossing your legs cause cellulite? You bet it does.

The explanation is simple:

  • Most people tend to stand in a way that puts more pressure on one leg and in the process block lymphatic drainage and venous flow (flow of blood through the veins) from the leg to the heart

  • In the same way, many people cross their legs, compressing one leg and its venous lymph/flow drainage more than the other, usually the right leg in most cases

More cellulite on the right leg? one leg bigger than the other, especially the right one? Don’t worry, this the “norm”.

If you are right handed, chances are you will compress the right leg when you cross it or when you stand, thereby putting pressure on it and on its venous flow/lymphatic drainage.

Most people are right-handed, hence most women have bigger thighs/buttock and poorer circulation/more cellulite on the right thigh/buttock.

Of course, sometimes there are other, less common, factors at play, but this is the most common cause of cellulite asymmetry on the lower extremities.

Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage hindered

As a result of more compression on one side than the other, venous return and lymphatic drainage is hindered on that leg, which leads to reduced removal of water, waste products and fat (triglycerides) from the fat tissues of that specific leg.

To make matters worse, fat can still enter the fat tissues on both sides equally, as arterial flow is much stronger than venous return and lymph drainage, and it is not significantly hindered.

Over several years or decades, the combination leads to more cellulite, water retention and fat accumulation on one side, all the way from the ankle to the calf, thigh, hip and buttock of that side.

Any other cause of poor lymphatic or venous function on one leg (apart from compressing the leg by crossing it or by putting pressure on it while standing) can also lead to more pronounced cellulite and fat accumulation on that side.

The solutions to this problem are simple:

  • Prevent cellulite by being very active in general and by eating healthily

  • Do not support yourself on one specific side, try to stand on the other leg too

  • Do not cross your legs only one way, try to cross your other leg too - or don’t cross your legs at all, if possible

  • Have a course of intensive cellulite treatments, with most of the treatment time spent on the more affected leg than the other. For example if treatments last 20 minutes per side, you can do 30 on the “bad” side and only 10 minutes on the better side. Or have a few 30’ treatments only on the more affected side first and then continue with some treatments on both sides, to even the two sides out.

  • Concentrated cellulite creams act more slowly (but then again they are more economical than treatments), so it does not make sense to apply the cream just on the "worse" leg. So use a good, concentrated, multi-ingredient cellulite cream on both legs, and when you are happy with the results on the "good" leg, continue with applying the cream only on the more affected leg.

Lymphoedema can also cause enlargement of one leg only

The information above is for generally healthy people who have some increased water retention, increased fat levels and/or cellulite on one side, but where the difference is not significant and is mainly an aesthetic imbalance.

Lymphoedema on the other hand is a medical condition which can lead to one leg becoming significantly enlarged in relation to the other one.

If the difference between the two sides has increased quickly or of it is very disproportionate between the two sides, you need to speak to your doctor, as you may be suffering from lymphoedema or other medical condition.