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Skin elasticity vs skin tightness (firmness): what are the differences?

Skin elasticity vs skin tightness (firmness): what are the differences?

Many people confuse tightness and elasticity and use these terms interchangeably to describe youthful, healthy skin. But are these two terms one and the same?

How fried food causes cellulite, aging and skin looseness

How fried food causes cellulite, aging and skin looseness

When to comes to cellulite, skin looseness and even overall health, fried food is one of the worst type of foods you can possibly put in your mouth. Fried oils/fats are damaged fats which accumulate in cell membranes, causing chronic, low-grade, whole-body inflammation and damage to all organs and tissues in the whole body, including blood vessels and skin.

For cellulite, prevention is better than cure: start taking care of your skin now

For cellulite, prevention is better than cure: start taking care of your skin now

Cellulite and skin looseness are the result of age and/or an unhealthy cellulite. Both aesthetic concerns are interconnected and in most women they appear concurrently. Sometimes we see women (and some men) with a lot of cellulite and little skin looseness and vice versa, but usually there is a mix of both. And both of these issues appear gradually with age, which is absolutely normal. However, poor nutritional choices (too much sugar, carbs and fat and too little protein, vegetables, fruits and herbs), a sedentary lifestyle, as well as smoking and the contraceptive pill, greatly accelerate the appearance of cellulite and skin looseness…