Exercise and everyday physical activity are essential for skin firmness, together with a healthy nutrition, rich in protein and polyphenols. Exercise and physical activity offers our fibroblasts (collagen- and elastin-producing cells) the necessary mechanical stimulation they need to keep producing collagen and elastin. Collagen gives skin firmness, while elastin offers elasticity, leading to firm, elastic, healthy, good looking skin.
Can cavitation or radiofrequency make cellulite and skin firmness worse?
Coffee scrub for cellulite: facts vs myth
One of the biggest beauty fads in the last few years is the scrubbing of ground coffee beans on your skin in the hope that it will smoothen up your cellulite and firm up your legs. Although it intuitively doesn’t make sense, this hasn’t stopped 3 million web pages, according to Google, to be created on the subject…
Can I shower/bath after RF or cavitation treatment?
Cavitation treatments are generally very safe and have a low rate of adverse reactions that would potentially prevent you from having a bath or shower. Usually the only problem experienced after cavitation treatments is mild redness / skin sensitivity, which dissipates within a few minutes or hours. As long as skin does not look/feel irritated, then you can have a normal - but not too…
Ultrasonic cavitation for cellulite: how does it work?
It is widely accepted today that high-power, low-frequency ultrasound treatment represents one of the few effective methods of cellulite reduction and, to a limited extent, subcutaneous fat reduction too. It often provides good results on its own, if the right equipment is used with the right protocols, and even better results when combined with high-power, deep-tissue radio frequency. But what is ultrasound cavitation and how does it work?
Cryolipolysis vs radio frequency vs cavitation: what is best?
The contraceptive pill and cellulite
Estrogen is the most important cause of cellulite. In fact it is the basis of cellulite. Without estrogen you may get weight gain and/or skin looseness, but you won’t cellulite - and that’s why men* don’t get cellulite. Yes, in addition to estrogen you do need to consume excess calories / eat unhealthily etc, but you need estrogen to turn those excess calories into…
Dark chocolate, cocoa flavanols, cellulite and overall health
Dark chocolate is healthy, right? Dark chocolate has a reputation of being “healthy”, especially for the heart, and especially in relation to milk chocolate and white chocolate. Many of the clients that present at our clinic say that they consume dark chocolate regularly, since apparently it is “healthy” and it won’t affect cellulite. But does the hype stand to scrutiny? Here we present all the aspects of dark chocolate in relation to health and appearance…