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forskolin and caffeine cream

Forskolin: the most important lipolytic active ingredient

Forskolin: the most important lipolytic active ingredient

Forskolin, is the extract of the South Asian plant coleus forskohlii / plectranthus barbatus. It has been extensively researched for decades for its lipolytic action and is routinely used in lab experiments when it is needed to stimulate lipolysis in fat cells. (Lipolysis refers to fat release from fat cells, leading to fat cell size reduction and, if sustained, eventual fat cell death.) However, due to its high cost (10x more than the highest quality caffeine) it is rarely used in anti-cellulite creams - although it is way more important than caffeine in this regard…

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

The natural lipolytic chemical forskolin was found in this study to release fat from fat cells, via significant cAMP production in fat cells. This study confirms that forskolin is clearly THE strongest natural lipolytic natural active and it is an ideal anti-cellulite…