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For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF

The key to non-surgical breast lifting is treating the décolletage area with radiofrequency

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is the best technology for an effective non-surgical breast lift

Breast firmness and perkiness depends mainly on two things: breast skin and Cooper’s ligaments.

Together these two connective tissues help to maintain the shape and structural integrity of your breasts.

Skin supports and keeps breast lifted from the outside, while Cooper’s ligaments (also known as the suspensory ligaments of Cooper or the fibrocollagenous septa of the breast) keep breast lifted from the inside.

Younger breasts also have a higher proportion of breast tissue, as opposed to fat, and that also helps add to breast firmness by maintaining ‘turgidity’.

Due to age, breast feeding, unhealthy lifestyles and other factors (such as not wearing a bra, especially with large breasts):

  • breast tissue is replaced by adipose tissue, which is naturally softer

  • skin becomes lax

  • Cooper’s ligaments become loose

The end result is loose, saggy breasts, which some women do not like.

Of course, nothing can be done to replace fat tissue back to breast tissue, neither to shorten the stretched Cooper’s ligaments.

(Don’t fall for those ridiculous exercises found all over the web, even on “reputable” health websites, that supposedly tighten Cooper’s ligaments. These are as ridiculous as the so-called “cellulite exercises” only target the pectoral muscles and have absolutely zero effect on Cooper’s ligaments. There is no connection between the pectoral muscles and Cooper’s ligaments.)

The best solution to lift the breasts is obviously to have breast lift surgery or breast augmentation with silicon .

However, not everyone wants to go through the dangers inherent to breast augmentation/lift surgery.

So, many women opt for three technologies to tighten breast skin instead:

  • either radiofrequency

  • or the largely inefficient and ineffective HIFU

  • or the barbaric RF microneedling

Between the three technologies, high-power, medium depth radiofrequency is the most effective (and safest) in tightening and lifting skin, on the breast/décolletage area or anywhere else on the body.

Medium depth here refers to focusing specifically on the dermis and hypodermis, without going too deep (i.e. subcutaneous adipose tissue) or too superficial (epidermis).

Going too deep would result in breast fat loss, which almost no-one wants, which would consequently lead to volume loss and further sagging.

And very superficial (epidermal) radiofrequency is quite pointless, as it acts on the wrong tissue (collagen is found in dermis and hypodermis).

Of course, low power RF is quite inadequate and achieves very little or nothing.

Non-surgical breast lift with RF: most people do it wrong

Radiofrequency works by stimulating existing collagen contraction and collagen/elastin synthesis in the fibroblasts (“collagen cells”), both leading to skin tightening. As skin is tighter and defies the pull of gravity, this results in breast lifting.

The most significant skin laxity on the breast is found on the upper breasts / décolletage area, where quite often stretch marks also appear. As skin on the décolletage area gradually becomes longer (and as Cooper’s ligaments also become longer) the whole breast ends up becoming saggy.

As mentioned above, nothing can be done about Cooper’s ligaments. However, skin can be tightened with strong, medium-depth radiofrequency.

However, many therapists who work with RF (and even those who work with RF microneedling or HIFU) target the whole breast - and especially so the lower part of the breast.

However, this way they make skin on the lower breast more contracted/shortened, which as a result pulls down the (looser) skin of the upper breast / décolletage and consequently creates more sagginess.

As the skin is a continuum, it would make sense to primarily work ONLY on the upper breast/ décolletage to shorten/contract the skin there and thereby to create a lifting effect on the lower breast too.

At the clinic we work only on the upper breast / décolletage area, to create the best possible skin tightening and lift on the entire breasts.

The whole process also respects people’s modesty, as the bra does not need to be removed for treatment.

As discussed, a non-surgical breast lift is not as impressive as the surgical options, but:

  • it is natural

  • works on the texture and firmness of the skin itself (surgery doesn’t)

  • works on breast stretch marks

  • is way safer than surgery (at the clinic we currently have an impressive 99.5% safety rate, with the <0.5% being very mild, very temporary skin irritation)

  • comes with zero downtime

How to tighten loose skin on the breast or anywhere else on the body

As mentioned above, the most effective SAFE technology known today for skin tightening is high-power radiofrequency: medium-depth for the face and décolletage and deep tissue for the rest of the body.

For good results with skin tightening most women need a course of 6-12 weekly high-power radiofrequency sessions. Severe skin looseness may require up to 20 sessions, while extreme skin laxity may require surgery, as mentioned above.

Contrary to what some clinics misleadingly claim, you cannot safely and effectively tighten your skin with 1-4 miracle treatments - do not fall for such lies. Your body does need strong, regular, repeated stimulation to change and this does not happen overnight with “miracle” treatments.

Have a non-surgical décolletage lift / skin tightening treatment in London with the skin tightening specialists

At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.

This is all we study and practise every day and have researched and tried hands-on all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers.

As strong, medium/deep acting radiofrequency is the technology of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF technologies in the world.

Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced RF treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.

Our radiofrequency treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.

And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite, skin laxity or fibrosis listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1)