anti-cellulite foods / foods that fight cellulite

Citrus bioflavonoids skin benefits: cellulite, skin firming, anti-ageing and more

Citrus bioflavonoids skin benefits: cellulite, skin firming, anti-ageing and more

Most women, and an increasing number of men, use anti-ageing skin products to stay young and fight the signs of ageing. In addition, an increasing number of consumers also use nutri-cosmetics, i.e. nutritional supplements that are specifically geared to protecting skin from within. In this article we examine a class of natural compounds that can boost skin health and beauty from both within and outside.

Pterostilbene, the polyphenol in blueberries, inhibits fat accumulation and fights overweight and cellulite

Pterostilbene, a small molecular weight stilbenoid compound chemically related to resveratrol and found predominantly in black grapes, blueberries and other berries, has important anti-adipogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anticancer properties. Resveratrol is already widely known for its anti-ageing and anti-obesity properties and pterostilbene (3',5'-dimethoxy-resveratrol), being a more stable and more absorbable form of resveratrol, shows much more promise in fighting both ageing and fat accumulation…