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does hrt improve cellulite

Estrogen and cellulite

Estrogen and cellulite

This is a very common question at the clinic: “It’s so unfair, why do women need to get cellulite and men not”? Well, there is an answer to that and in short it’s called estrogen. Generally, everybody, man or woman, can get cellulite if both two following conditions are met: their body is loaded with enough of the hormone estrogen - natural or artificial; and they ingest more calories than they spend and/or they sit down too much/walk too little. Estrogen on its own does NOT cause cellulite, neither inactivity…

Cellulite and the menopause

Cellulite and the menopause

Menopause seems to affect women in multiple ways, none of which is good for cellulite. Firstly, collagen synthesis reduces with menopause, meaning a gradual collapse of the connective tissue which allows the hypodermal adipose globules to become more pronounced. The same effect leads to blood and lymphatic vessels weakening, leading to poorer circulation. Secondly, metabolism also reduces, allowing increased fat accumulation in the hypodermal adipose globules. This also makes cellulite more visible...