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Is BBL worth it?

Is BBL worth it?

In August 2018 another young woman died due to complications arising from the so-called “Brazilian butt lift” (BBL) cosmetic procedure. Leah Cambridge suffered three heart attacks caused by fat embolism, i.e. fat from the fat implant crossing into the blood vessels and blocking her heart arteries…

Cellulite exercise | How to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite exercise | How to get rid of cellulite

At the time of updating this article (February 2023) Google returned 3.7 million pages for the query “cellulite exercises”, volunteering “helpful suggestions” such as curtsy lunges, lateral lunges, glute bridges and squat jumps. But do these exercises work? Can you get rid of - or at least reduce - cellulite with specific exercises? Here we present the ultimate “exercise for cellulite” guide. Honest and straight to the point, without clichés or even dangerous misinformation that you find all over the internet. Just science-based, actionable information.

Natural butt lift with gluteus exercises and RF treatments: how to achieve it

Natural butt lift with gluteus exercises and RF treatments: how to achieve it

A Brazilian bum: everyone would like to have one, yet few would be prepared to go for surgery to achieve it, hence the popularity of so many “non-surgical bum lift treatments”. Lack of exercise, excess calorie intake, sugar intake, sitting down for long periods of time and normal ageing, all result in skin looseness, the accumulation of excess fat, cellulite and water retention on the buttock area. The result is a saggy bottom with puffy, spongy skin…