Too much radiofrequency treatment can refer to three things: too strong treatment; treatment taken too often; too many sessions. High intensity, deep-acting radiofrequency is the strongest SAFE skin tightening and cellulite removal treatment available today, and aims to naturally stimulate collagen synthesis, collagen contraction, lipolysis and circulation with intensive - but never excessive - deep heat. With such radiofrequency all you feel during treatment is deep heat in your hypodermis and dermis, i.e. the deeper skin layers…
Cellulite all over the body: how is this possible?
This is a common question: “I thought that cellulite only affects the thighs and bum, how come I have it on my arms, stomach and back?” Indeed, cellulite primarily appears on back of thighs, front of thighs and buttocks. But it is sometimes is is also visible on the arms, calves, stomach, flanks, sides of back and even on the breasts. Why is this the case?
RF microneedling for fibrosis after vaser liposuction?
When you suffer from post-lipo fibrosis you want to have a treatment that actually breaks down fibrotic collagen (i.e. progressively stronger massage and/or ultrasound) rather than one that creates more fibrotic collagen. On the other hand, RF microneedling is also based on burning the skin at 60-90ºC (depending on the machine used) and creating not that well “controlled” fibrotic collagen/“neocollagenesis” on the hypodermis and dermis. There is a reason that microneedling is called ‘collagen induction therapy’ and RF microneedling goes one step further in producing fibrotic collagen by combining needling with extreme RF heat…
Ultrasonic cavitation for cellulite: how does it work?
It is widely accepted today that high-power, low-frequency ultrasound treatment represents one of the few effective methods of cellulite reduction and, to a limited extent, subcutaneous fat reduction too. It often provides good results on its own, if the right equipment is used with the right protocols, and even better results when combined with high-power, deep-tissue radio frequency. But what is ultrasound cavitation and how does it work?
Machine or expertise: what is more important when you choose a cellulite treatment?
The best technologies for effective AND safe cellulite reduction are deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation. However, RF and ultrasound machines come in all shapes and sizes. But then the same applies to knowledge and expertise. A good therapist can squeeze the most out of a mediocre machine. On the other hand, a bad therapist can underutilise a really good machine or - worse - cause…
Radiofrequency / cavitation treatment for larger sizes: most machines are simply inadequate
Radiofrequency and ultrasound cavitation treatments, when provided with good equipment and by a well-trained, experienced and knowledgable therapist, remain THE best technologies for skin tightening and cellulite (far better and safer than HIFU and RF microneedling). However, most such machines available on the market are of low to very low power and are suited more to face treatments or to tiny body areas, than larger body areas…
Obesity is now a major driver of cellulite worldwide
At the time of first writing this article (February 2024) it was revealed that obesity worldwide has surpassed the 1 billion mark. In the last three decades obesity has increased 4x among children and 2x among adults. Furthermore, more than 2.5 billion adults are overweight, worldwide. On this blog we have maintained that cellulite is a Western civilisation aesthetic condition that is not found in developing countries, where people consume more natural foods and where physical activity comprises a large part of people's days.
Ultra-processed foods and cellulite
At the time of first writing this article (February 2024) a lot has been written about how ultra-processed foods can cause heart disease, cancer and undermine health overall. But what about cellulite? We have made it clear on this blog that there is a big overlap between Western civilisation diseases (diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc) and cellulite. Sure, cellulite does not kill but the same things that cause these diseases to a large extent also cause cellulite. There is no complete overlap but there is a quite extensive one. Ultra-processed foods (UPF), i.e. the exact opposite for fresh, clean foods, rob food from all its nutrients to leave almost empty calories and various chemicals…
I’m currently losing weight, how often should I have skin tightening treatment to avoid skin looseness?
Weight gain leads to excess skin to accommodate the extra fat volume. As a result, when weight is lost skin looks loose. The best way to prevent skin laxity after weight loss is to have a skin tightening treatment whilst you lose weight. Of course, if you have already lost the weight and have skin laxity, you can always have a course of treatments then, but it is always best to arrive at your ideal weight with the least possible skin laxity. The most effective SAFE skin tightening technology is deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency…
What is worse for cellulite, fat or sugar?
This is a common question, both for cellulite prevention and overall health as well and the answer could not be other than a straightforward, sugar is worse than fat for cellulite. Firstly, there are good fats, i.e. omega-3 fatty acids (flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, oily fish etc), which are protective. Furthermore, neutral fats (e.g. extra virgin olive oil, nuts, avocado) are fine as long as they are not over-consumed…
Does radiofrequency kill fat cells? The facts and the myths.
The fact is the properly applied STIMULATIVE radiofrequency / ultrasound cavitation can both lead to adipocyte apoptosis, i.e. programmed cell death of fat cells. This is fat cell death that gradually happens over days and weeks with a course of SAFE treatments provided under the pain threshold (less than 41-43ºC on the skin surface or 43-47ºC in the deeper skin layers). This ensures safety of all other tissues, except fat cells, and in fact also stimulates fibroblast (collagen cell) function, which leads to skin tightening, especially with RF.
Does lack of sleep cause aging?
Lack of sleep itself is an indirect cause of cellulite and a direct cause of skin aging. Lack of sleep is not as important as sugar intake, calorie intake, lack of exercise, smoking/vaping, alcohol intake etc, but because it indirectly leads us to the above behaviours, it does play a role. Lack of sleep makes us feel more tired and consequently leads to increased food intake, especially sugar-containing food, smoking/vaping, alcohol intake and stimulant intake…
For an impressive non-surgical butt lift, the upper buttocks must also be treated with RF
Droopy, loose skin on the buttocks is common these days, due to literally “sitting on our butt” too many hours a day, due to yo-yo dieting and also due to other factors.
Not everyone wants to go through the dangers inherent with brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL). Neither it is a wise idea to go for fillers / liquid BBL, which are ridiculously expensive for a 6-month fix and can ruin the buttocks for several months or years if something goes wrong. So many people opt for three technologies: either radiofrequency, the largely inefficient and ineffective HIFU or the barbaric RF microneedling for a non-surgical bum lift…
The 500 Dalton rule for skin absorption of cosmetics
How does radio frequency treatment feel? Is it painful?
What you will feel when you have proper, i.e. high-power, deep-acting, radiofrequency treatment is mainly deep heat. If RF is properly applied, with the correct protocol, the right treatment medium and proper equipment, the surface of your skin (epidermis) will feel warm, while deep skin layers (hypodermis and dermis) will feel very hot…
Do fat burning creams work?
First off let’s clarify that no cream/gel/serum can actually ever burn any fat. This is biologically impossible. Fat is oxidised (what people call “burned”) in muscles and organs after being released by fat cells. No fat oxidation occurs in white adipose fat tissue (what people call “fat”). So in essence a “fat burning” cream that works (most don’t), is a cream that helps stimulate lipolysis (= fat release from fat cells) in specific areas where stubborn fat has accumulated…
Does drinking water help with cellulite?
It’s official: according to a study published in The Lancet and detailed below, drinking lots of water throughout your life helps ward off body ageing and degenerative diseases - and their respective subsets: skin ageing and cellulite. Women should aim to drink 2-3 litres of water and non-caffeinated drinks and men should aim for 3-4 litres a day. Still or sparkling, makes no difference. Contrary to popular belief, sparkling water does NOT cause cellulite. But please do not count sugary/sweetened fizzy drinks, juices and juice drinks, as part of this advice.
Matcha, green tea and cellulite
Matcha is a special green tea variant specially developed to contain high amounts of caffeine - and a bright green colour. Matcha is consumed as a whole leaf powder diluted in hot water, as opposed to normal green tea, which leaf extracted in hot water via a filter or a bag. Contrary to popular belief matcha tea is not healthier or superior any form than normal green tea…
Dermal HypoDermal Junction (DHDJ) and cellulite
The Dermal HypoDermal Junction (DHDJ) is the border between the collagen-rich dermis (medium-depth skin layer) above and much fattier and less collagenous hypodermis (deepest skin layer) underneath. In people without cellulite, the DHDJ is a pretty straight line, denoting no fat infiltration from the hypodermis to the dermis that causes the familiar cellulite bumps. In people with cellulite, the DHDJ has a more “bumpy” appearance…
Dry brushing for cellulite: learn why it doesn't work
When it come to cellulite removal at home, dry body brushing is the immediate, go-to advice by beauty “experts” the world over. “You want to reduce cellulite at home? Hey, body brush! BTW, here is a list of overpriced body brushes below, for you to consume…” But does this advice stand to scrutiny? Can dry body brushing “get rid of your cellulite”?