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Coffee scrub for cellulite: facts vs myth

Coffee scrub for cellulite: facts vs myth

One of the biggest beauty fads in the last few years is the scrubbing of ground coffee beans on your skin in the hope that it will smoothen up your cellulite and firm up your legs. Although it intuitively doesn’t make sense, this hasn’t stopped 3 million web pages, according to Google, to be created on the subject…

Coconut oil for cellulite: does it help?

Coconut oil for cellulite: does it help?

Does coconut oil get rid of cellulite? Best virgin coconut oil for cellulite? Before anything else, let’s make it abundantly clear that nothing gets rid of cellulite. Although used liberally, the term “get rid of cellulite” means nothing for 90% of women with cellulite, because in 90% of cases cellulite cannot be “rid of”, it can only be reduced…

Are diet and and exercise enough for cellulite reduction?

Are diet and and exercise enough for cellulite reduction?

Healthy nutrition and exercise are indeed absolutely essential for cellulite prevention, as inactivity and unhealthy diet/nutrition are major causes of cellulite. Furthermore, healthy nutrition and exercise are also 100% essential for cellulite reduction, as you cannot improve something without stopping the habits that originally led to its creation…

Do men care about cellulite?

Do men care about cellulite?

This is a common question from my clients: “Do guys care about cellulite in women?”

Personally, I do not care much, as I know that it is a common problem. Yes, no cellulite is better, like no beer belly in a man is better, but I would not judge a woman by the amount of her cellulite, as I would not judge a man by his lack of a six-pack. And that applies to…

Why do older women have more cellulite?

Why do older women have more cellulite?

Although cellulite can start at quite young age - almost as soon as the onset of puberty at around 13 - it is more prevalent at older ages, and its appearance also worsens with age. At our clinic we see more and more clients as age progresses up to the age of about 65 when interest in cellulite reduction declines, for different reasons, even though it becomes more progressed. There are two main reasons why cellulite becomes more common / more severe with age…

Can I shower/bath after RF or cavitation treatment?

Can I shower/bath after RF or cavitation treatment?

Cavitation treatments are generally very safe and have a low rate of adverse reactions that would potentially prevent you from having a bath or shower. Usually the only problem experienced after cavitation treatments is mild redness / skin sensitivity, which dissipates within a few minutes or hours. As long as skin does not look/feel irritated, then you can have a normal - but not too…

Why did I lose facial fat with HIFU / RF microneedling? They told me they would just target the SMAS to “lift” my face…

Why did I lose facial fat with HIFU / RF microneedling? They told me they would just target the SMAS to “lift” my face…

Everyone interested in facial anti-ageing these days is talking about the SMAS. Suddenly everyone is an (ignorant) “expert” in the SMAS, just like everyone interested in cellulite or massage suddenly became an (ignorant) “expert” in all things fascia a few years ago. But what is the SMAS, why is everyone talking about it and why is it not such a great idea to target it non-surgically?

Skin looseness in slim women

Skin looseness in slim women

Skin looseness in slim women occurs mainly due to two factors. Genetics: Tall, slim people in general tend to have more loose connective tissue. This means better flexibility but also more skin looseness. In the younger years this connective tissue looseness goes unnoticed. But as we get older, and collagen levels start to decline, skin laxity becomes more obvious. Strict dieting or…

Does fibrosis always occur after lipo?

Does fibrosis always occur after lipo?

Fibrosis (i.e. internal scar tissue) is the result of inflammation. Not all Inflammation results in fibrosis, but quite often it does. Fibrosis after liposuction surgery can happen as a result of: Mechanical trauma, i.e. the movement of the liposuction cannula under the skin. This usually manifests as fibrous nodules (i.e. bumps / hard lumps) or occasional adhesions (skin stuck to underlying tissues and inhibiting movement / causing pain during movement). This kind of fibrosis is inadvertent…

Lipolysis vs adipolysis: what is the difference?

Lipolysis vs adipolysis: what is the difference?

You may have seen the terms adipolysis and lipolysis in marketing blurb of different cellulite / fat reduction treatments or even in scientific literature. And you may have correctly got the general impression that they both mean fat loss. But if they both mean fat reduction, why the two different words? The answer is: because those two words mean actually two different things.

Bring the cellulite to the surface: does this phrase mean anything?

Bring the cellulite to the surface: does this phrase mean anything?

The beauty industry is full of myths and inaccuracies and the field of cellulite reduction even more so. But this must be the stupidest thing I have heard: “This treatment moves the cellulite to the surface” from where it is (apparently) easier to remove. This gem has been uttered by a member of the “clinical training” team of a (pretty good) machine manufacturer. Now let’s make it clear once and for all: cellulite is a tissue. It cannot move deep into the body, it cannot move to the surface and in general it cannot not go anywhere. Cellulite doesn’t travel…

For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF

For non-surgical breast lift, it is the décolletage area that must be treated with RF

Breast firmness and perkiness depends mainly on two things: breast skin and Cooper’s ligaments. Together these two connective tissues help to maintain the shape and structural integrity of your breasts. Skin supports and keeps breast lifted from the outside, while Cooper’s ligaments (also known as the suspensory ligaments of Cooper or the fibrocollagenous septa of the breast) keep breast lifted from the inside. Younger breasts also have a higher proportion of breast tissue, as opposed to fat, and that also helps add to breast firmness by maintaining ‘turgidity’…

Anti-cellulite leggings: do they work?

Anti-cellulite leggings: do they work?

We can divide the different compression garments on the market in two categories: uniform pressure (simple compression) garments and graduated pressure garments. Below we are analysing the two types of compression garments and their effectiveness in reducing cellulite and water retention and their effect on firmness…

Does walking help cellulite?

Does walking help cellulite?

Exercise is essential to prevent and reduce cellulite, independently of healthy diet. In fact, both healthy nutrition AND exercise are needed to prevent and reduce cellulite. Exercise, such as walking, does burn calories and does increase your metabolic rate, thereby burning more calories. However, it is actually easier and more effective to burn calories by dieting than by exercising. So why do we need exercise, in addition to dieting? The main reason exercise is needed, in addition to healthy eating, is because it contributes mechanical stimulation…

The best time to have a course of cellulite treatments is now

The best time to have a course of cellulite treatments is now

Most people think that they have to wait to have a course of cellulite treatments until: “I first need to lose all my weight”; “2-3 weeks before the holidays, as, if I have my treatments too early, results will disappear by holiday time. However, as we will see below, both of these approaches are wrong…

For cellulite reduction and skin tightening 12 sessions are ideally needed for best results

For cellulite reduction and skin tightening 12 sessions are ideally needed for best results

Why 12 (intensive but SAFE) sessions are necessary for cellulite reduction and skin tightening. In aesthetics there are currently two methods to effect skin tightening and cellulite reduction. The stimulative method is safe, pain-free and effective, as long as it’s strong (but never excessive), and as long as treatments are regularly repeated. As multiple treatments are needed, prices should be moderate. Typical examples…

Tried RF microneedling for cellulite? Didn’t work? Perhaps you should try a safer, less hyped-up, more effective treatment.

Tried RF microneedling for cellulite? Didn’t work? Perhaps you should try a safer, less hyped-up, more effective treatment.

The last few years there is the generalised perception by the public that if a procedure is very painful, very medicalised, very unsafe, very hyped up, very “instant”, very expensive or all the above, the rewards of taking the risk with such a procedure will be higher and cellulite or skin looseness will apparently disappear “forever” (there is no forever in this universe, let alone the human body). RF microneedling fits all the above requirements and people flock to have it for both body and face. Hence all the RF microneedling horror stories in the media lately, including one of the latest RF microneedling disaster stories here…