However, not all cavitation and RF treatments are the same. In fact, as every clinic individual therapist practises those technologies differently, even with the exact same equipment - and as there is a huge variety of RF and ultrasound equipment on the market, ranging from very low spec to very high spec - we can say that there are as many RF/cavitation treatments on the market as there are clinics in the world - probably tens of thousands of them...
Does fasting help with cellulite?
Fat is the most important aspect of cellulite. On the other hand, fasting is a proven method to reduce or maintain weight and also to fight ageing and improve a myriad health conditions, if practised within reason. So it makes sense to use fasting, in its different various forms to reduce cellulite quickly or to prevent cellulite. Fasting can be continuous for a few days or intermittent…
Radio frequency treatment for cellulite and skin tightening: what is it and how does it work?
Do cellulite creams work? Facts vs marketing hype.
In a previous article we have discussed the differences, merits and drawbacks of cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments. On this article we are focusing a bit more on why a good, concentrated, multi-ingredient cellulite cream can play an important role in cellulite reduction, more than what most women assume.
Does liposuction get rid of cellulite?
To understand whether liposuction can help with cellulite we have to know what kind of fat liposuction removes and what kind of fat cellulite is made of. In addition to deep fat, found deep inside the stomach (visceral fat) and intramuscular fat, found inside muscles (as in “marble fat” in steaks), there are two other types of fat on the human body which are found on the surface of the body: subcutaneous fat, which is found under the skin; and hypodermal and dermal fat, which is found inside the skin…
How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.
This is one of the most common questions we are asked: “What are the best foods to fights cellulite?”. To which the instant answer is: “Above all else, have as many low calorie, high fibre, high polyphenol/carotenoid foods as you can”. But why is that? Low in calories: no need to discuss this more, it’s pretty obvious. High in fibre: because they fill you up without calories and prevent you from consuming too much fat/carbs; and because they help balance your gut microbiota (i.e. boost the good bacteria in your gut), which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can indirectly prevent water retention. High in polyphenol/carotenoids (what some people would identify as “antioxidants”): because most carotenoids and polyphenols have a multi-prong anti-cellulite effect…
Should I wait to lose all my extra weight before I start my cellulite treatments?
Many people think that they have to “lose all the weight first” and only then start a cellulite treatment, because this way they are ready to start treatment. However, this could not be further from the truth. The best thing is to lose any weight you may want to lose during your course of treatments - not before or after.
What are typical prices for radiofrequency treatment in London?
Radiofrequency, when properly done (i.e. deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency applied by a well trained professional), is the most effective SAFE skin tightening and cellulite reduction treatment known today. Radiofrequency prices in London vary from anything between £50 a session to £3,500 a session, with typical prices for a quality treatment on an average sized body area in central London being £150-£500 per session. Of course, as with any other aesthetic treatment, effectiveness, price and customer service vary widely from clinic to clinic, depending on equipment quality, staff training, location and clinic environment and also the focus of each clinic…
Deep tissue radiofrequency: the only RF worth having for cellulite and skin tightening
How EGCG in green tea helps protect collagen IV in skin and blood vessels
This in-vitro study has shown that the main active molecule in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), inhibits the metalloproteinase MMP9 and its precursor proMMP9. MMPs are useful for various body processes, as they are collagen remodelling agents, but excessive MMP synthesis can lead to excessive connective tissue breakdown. Usually MMPs are over-activated by inflammation or free radical damage, i.e. when tissue injury occurs…